[Fwd: Call for Submissions: NSDI 2005 Poster Session]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Call for Submissions: NSDI 2005 Poster Session Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 07:46:10 -0500 From: Erich Nahum nahum@turing.acm.org Reply-To: Erich Nahum nahum@turing.acm.org To: SIGCOMM-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
Call for Submissions: NSDI Poster Session Deadline: March 29, 2005 Details: http://www.usenix.org/events/nsdi05/cfp/#poster
Do you have interesting work in progress you would like to share? The NSDI poster session is for you! Poster sessions introduce new or ongoing work, and the NSDI audience provides valuable discussion and feedback from researchers from across the networking and systems community--including computer networking, distributed systems, and operating systems. The NSDI symposium focuses on the design principles of large-scale networks and distributed systems and seeks to foster cross-disciplinary approaches to addressing shared research challenges. We are particularly interested in presentations of student work. To submit a poster, please send a proposal, one page or less, by March 29, 2005, to nsdi05posters@usenix.org.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf