[Fwd: CfP: NGC'03 and ICQT'03 - September 2003 in Munich, Germany]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CfP: NGC'03 and ICQT'03 - September 2003 in Munich, Germany Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 15:38:30 +0100 From: Burkhard Stiller stiller@tik.ee.ethz.ch Organization: ETH Zürich, TIK To: Georg Carle carle@fokus.fhg.de
Please distribute to interested people. Sorry for any duplicates.
Call for Papers
Fifth International Workshop on Networked Group Communications (NGC'03)
Organized by UniBwM and COST 264 in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM (approval pending)
co-located with the
Third International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technology (ICQT'03)
Group Communications and Charges - Technology and Business Models
September 16-19, 2003 University of Federal Armed Forces Munich (UniBw Munich), Germany URL: http://www.ngc2003.org/
Scope ----- Communications by technical means forms the major interconnection for distributed electronic applications, ranging from business processes to entertainment. While networked group communications in particular raise technology and protocol challenges, charging for Internet services inter-relates and enriches those techniques with economic models. Both workshops target the identification of solutions, investigations of their feasibility, and a consolidation of technical and economic mechanisms to enable a fast, guaranteed, and efficient provisioning of networked group communications in the Internet. Authors are invited to submit work on issues related to networked group communication (NGC'03) and Internet charging and QoS technologies (ICQT'03) according to the major list of topics:
NGC'03 ------ - Multicast applications and services - Multi-player games - Novel group communication architectures - Group and session management techniques - QoS and traffic control for groups - Peer-to-peer systems and applications - Distributed multi-peer-to-peer algorithms - Content distribution systems - Wireless group communications - Security for group communications - Heterogeneous group communications - Multicast deployment mechanisms
ICQT'03 ------- - Economic models for the Internet - Internet pricing, tariffing, and billing - Internet charging technology - Monitoring, measurements, and accounting - ISP cost and business models - Charging for peer-to-peer applications and games - Charging and QoS for multicast - Charging for QoS services - Pricing mobile and wireless services - Application service provider models - Security mechanisms for charging - Management of Service Level Agreements
Papers and Submissions ---------------------- Papers are solicited as full papers (in English), of no more than 10 single-spaced pages, each of which will be subject to a full review process. Submissions should already follow the author guidelines as specified below and must include: title, authors, affiliations, 100-word abstract, and a list of at most five keywords. The author responsible for correspondence should be identified clearly, including the author's name, position, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. An electronic, PDF-based submission of papers is mandatory, please check the URL http://www.ngc2003.org/ for further submission instructions or contact ngc03@informatik.unibw-muenchen.de for additional information. The conference proceedings are being published as hard-copy and electronically by Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. They will be available during the event. Authors are obliged to follow the LNCS's guidelines in preparing their manuscript. Author guidelines with respect to the final camera ready paper formats are to be followed without exception, including the 10 page limit, and may be obtained at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Important Dates --------------- Deadline for submissions: April 1, 2003 Notification of acceptance: June 8, 2003 Camera ready version: July 1, 2003 Workshop dates: September 16-19, 2003
General Information ------------------- The final program will accommodate September 17 and 18, 2003 the single-track NGC'03 workshop preceded by half-day tutorials on September 16 (afternoon) and on September 19, 2003 the single-track ICQT'03 workshop. The registration fee for this event will include the attendance of both workshops. For more information on these two co-located events NGC'03/ICQT'03 please visit http://www.ngc2003.org/ or http://www.ftw.at/icqt/ or contact by e-mail ngc03@informatik.unibw-muenchen.de or icqt03@ftw.at.
Location and Date ----------------- The location of the UniBw Munich is in the heart of the information technology area of Southern Munich, where, amongst others, Siemens Corporate Technology as well as EADS are located. A number of hotels are located in the neighborhood (2-3 km) to the university campus. Downtown Munich can be reached from there in 20 min by fast train (S-Bahn) or underground (U-Bahn). The Airport of Munich can be reached by S-Bahn in about one hour. Furthermore, by rental car the German and Bavarian Alps can be accessed in about 90 min drive, providing views to the most spectacular scenery of mountains and beautiful countryside. Finally, the two co-located workshops take place just in the week before
Munich's world-known "Oktoberfest - Wies'n" in downtown Munich.
Committees ---------- General Chair Burkhard Stiller, UniBw Munich, Germany and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Steering Committee NGC'03 Christophe Diot, Sprint Advanced Technology Labs, U.S.A. Serge Fdida, Laboratoire LIP6, Paris, France Jon Crowcroft, Cambridge University, U.K. Luigi Rizzo, ICSI Center for Internet Research, Berkeley, U.S.A.
NGC'03 Program Co-Chairs Burkhard Stiller, UniBw Munich, Germany and ETH Zurich, Switzerland Georg Carle, University of Tuebingen and Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
NGC'03 Program Committee Kevin Almeroth UC Santa Barbara Mostafa Ammar Georgia Institute of Technology Daniel Bauer IBM Research Zurich Elizabeth Belding-Royer University of California, Santa Barbara Samrat Bhattacharjee University of Maryland Ernst Biersack Institut Eurecom Bob Briscoe BT exact Technologies John Byers Boston University Georg Carle University of Tuebingen, Fraunhofer FOKUS Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge Walid Dabbous INRIA Jordi Domingo-Pascual Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Derek Eager University of Saskatchewan Wolfgang Effelsberg University of Mannheim Hiroshi Esaki University of Tokyo Serge Fdida Laboratoire LIP6-CNRS J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves University of California, Santa Cruz Mark Handley ICSI Center for Internet Research Markus Hoffmann Lucent Technologies David Hutchison Lancaster University Roger Kermode Motorola Jim Kurose University of Massachusetts Guy Leduc Universite de Liege Brian Levine University of Massachusetts Laurent Mathy Lancaster University Oeznur Oezkasap Koc University Istanbul Sanjoy Paul Lucent Technologies Christos Papadopoulos University of Southern California Peter Parnes Lulea University of Technology Colin Perkins Information Sciences Institute Luigi Rizzo ICSI Center for Internet Research Dan Rubenstein Columbia University Clay Shields Georgetown University Ralf Steinmetz University of Darmstadt Burkhard Stiller UniBw Munich and ETH Zurich Giorgio Ventre Universita di Napoli Federico II Lorenzo Vicisano Cisco Systems Martina Zitterbart University of Karlsruhe
ICQT'03 Program Co-Chairs Martin Karsten, University of Waterloo, Canada Peter Reichl, FTW Vienna, Austria
ICQT'03 Program Committee Ragnar Andreassen Telenor Sandford Bessler FTW Vienna Torsten Braun University of Bern Costas Courcoubetis Athens University of Economics and Business Chris Edwards Lancaster University Richard Gibbens Cambridge University Martin Karsten University of Waterloo Claudia Linnhoff-Popien LMU Muenchen Simon Leinen SWITCH Zurich Robin Mason University of Southampton Andrew Odlyzko University of Minnesota Huw Oliver UK Maximilian Ott Semandex Networks Kihong Park Purdue University Guido Petit Alcatel Belgium Douglas Reeves North Carolina State University Peter Reichl FTW Vienna Bjoern Rupp Arthur D. Little Vasilios Siris ICS Forth David Songhurst BT exact Technologies Otto Spaniol RWTH Aachen
participants (1)
Lars Wolf