[Tccc] Special Issue on P2P Multimedia Social Networking and Communication Systems- Deadline Extended to September 1st

##################################################################### Call for Papers ##################################################################### International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Special Issue on P2P Multimedia Social Networking and Communication Systems
Important dates: Manuscript Due: September 1st, 2009 First Round of Reviews: December 1st, 2009 Publication Date: March 1st, 2010
CFP: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijdmb/osi.html http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijdmb/si/msnacs.pdf
***SCOPE*** . P2P communication systems . P2P IP Telephony protocols . P2P social networking techniques . Multimedia social networking: theory and practice . Social networking over delay tolerant networks (DTNs) . P2P technologies and network coding . Scalability of the P2P feeding and alert systems . Adaptation of P2P overlays for low-mobility ad hoc networks . P2P communication systems for vehicular systems . Modeling of P2P communication systems . Real experiments on P2P social networking and communication systems . Tagging and indexing in P2P social networks . Community-based computing . P2P tracing and monitoring systems
***Notes for Prospective Authors**** http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijdmb/guidelines.html.
Submission Through:
Lead Guest Editor:
MehdiMani Network and Service Architecture Laboratory, Department of Wireless Networks and Multimedia Service, Institut TELECOM, Telecom & Management SudParis, France mehdi.mani@it-sudparis.eu
_Guest Editors: _
-Noël Crespi Network and Service Architecture Laboratory, Department of Wireless Networks and Multimedia Service Institut TELECOM, Telecom & Management SudParis, France; noel.crespi@it-sudparis.eu
- Winston Seah The Networking Protocols Department, Institut for Infocomm Research, Singapore winston@i2r.a-star.edu.sg
- Golnaz Karbaschi ASAP reseach team, INRIA Saclay, France golnaz.karbaschi@inria.fr
Sincerely, --------------------------------------------------------------- Mehdi Mani PhD, Research Fellow Core Network and Service Architecture Lab. Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services Department Institut TELECOM, Telecom SudParis (former GET-INT) Tel: +33-(0)160764053 http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~mani_meh ___________________________________
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Mehdi Mani