[Cost290] IEEE and ICST Sponsored Workshop on Context-Aware Multimedia Content Delivery - CAMCD09 - co-located with ICUMT 2009

CAMCD '09 - International Workshop on Context-Aware Multimedia Content Delivery
October 12 - 14, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia http://www.netrl.cs.ucy.ac.cy/camcd09
Technically Sponsored by ICST and IEEE Thematically supported by EU ICT FP7 project CCAST
in connection with The International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications - ICUMT 2009 http://www.icumt.org/
A major factor in the success of the convergence of future networks to 4G, All-IP technology is the efficient support of content-rich multimedia applications and services in mobile networks. There are many applications that will be enabled by new standards for mobile networking, such as triple services for mobile networks, digital television in a converged environment, video streaming, interactive gaming, navigation services, context aware services, emergency and healthcare applications, and immersive communications in virtual environments. The focus of this workshop is to present and discuss recent advances in the technologies needed for Context-aware Multimedia Content Delivery. Specifically, the workshop intends to address the following research areas: * Development of new techniques for delivering rich video experience to users over existing wireless technologies; * Definition of methods to utilize the situation and environment of a user (context) to initiate multimedia-rich content delivery; * Deployment of broadcast/multicast adaptive content delivery technologies to mobile users with diverse QoS requirements.
Within this scope, the CAMCD workshop aims to provide a unique international forum and foster interaction among researchers by bringing together members of the video and networking communities. The workshop will provide an interesting venue for academic and industrial participants to discuss in terms of how next generation mobile video content should delivered to end-users.
• Multimedia Services Emerging and visionary multimedia applications for wireless mobile networks, Multimedia Services over Wireless LAN, WAN and Ad-hoc Networks, Context aware techniques for enhancing multimedia service support Multim• edia semantic characteristics
• Context Context Representation Context Collection Context Reasoning
• Wireless delivery models Broadcast/multicast/simulcast P2P mobile video Vehicular video delivery
• Video Encoding and Processing Wireless video coding techniques Adaptive media coding Compression techniques, standards and evaluation Error resilience and concealment Scalable multimedia delivery over wireless Joint source-channel coding and adaptive media delivery
• Wireless network architectures and technologies Architectures for Wireless Multimedia Communications New network architectures for wireless communications (IEEE 802.11v, 802.11k, CAPWAP) Use of existing technologies for multimedia services (802.11 WLAN/802.11n, 802.16 WiMAX, 3G cellular networks, MBMS,DVB- H) Wireless multimedia terminal and devices QoS support for wireless multimedia networks QoS signaling and protocols for wireless multimedia Cross-layer interaction and optimization
• Experimentation Design and implementation of testbeds for multimedia over wireless Field trials, experimental measurements and results Measurements-based models for multimedia over wireless Testing of protocols and standards for multimedia over wireless
Paper submission: June 30, 2009 Acceptance notification: July 30, 2009 Camera ready: August 15, 2009
The papers should be submitted as a PDF file through EDAS system (http://edas.info/).The maximum size of papers should be 5000 words including tables and figures. The total length of a paper should not exceed 6 pages/ IEEE proceedings style. See workshop website for more instructions. All papers will be reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, published in IEEE Xplore.
CHAIRS Vasos Vassiliou, University of Cyprus Massimo Valla, Telecom Italia Labs
Josephine Antoniou, University of Cyprus Nigel Baker, University of the West of England Christos Bouras, University of Patras Andy Giefer, Deutche Welle Kaname Harumoto, Osaka University Christophe Janneteau, CEA Carlo Alberto Licciardi, Telecom Italia Pascal Lorenz, Universite de Haute Alsace Saverio Mascolo, Politecnico di Bari Boris Moltchanov, Telecom Italia Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra Telma Mota, PT Inovacao Jordi Pallares, FhG Fokus Giovanni Pau, University of California Los Angeles Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus Nadav Ramati, BigBand Martin Reisslein, Arizona State university Susana Sargento, IT Aveiro Hans Schotten, University of Kaiserslautern Katarina Stanoevska, University of St. Gallen Ralf Toenjes, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Cyprus University of Technology George Xylomenos, Athens University of Economics and Business
participants (1)
Yevgeni Koucheryavy