[sciconfer@cantv.net: Invitation to participate in SCI 2003]
------- Start of forwarded message ------- Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:49:33 -0400 To: dieder@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de From: Nagib Callaos sciconfer@cantv.net Subject: Invitation to participate in SCI 2003
Dear Dr. Jorg Diederich:
We are sorry to take some of your time, we think it would be interesting for you to know that we have extended the deadline, therefore, we send you once more, the invitation to participate in SCI 2003 and the respective Call For Papers, as follows:
On behalf of the SCI 2003 Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the Seventh World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, USA, from July 27-30, 2003.
Therefore, I am sending you the respective Call for Papers.
We are making emphasis on the area of Internet/Intranet/Extranet, mainly Web Information Systems and Internet Services which is related to your specific area.
I would also like you to consider the possibility of organizing an invited session related to a topic of your research interest.
You can find information about the suggested steps to organize an invited session in the Call for Papers and in the conference web page http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ .
If by any reasons you are not able to access the page mentioned above, please, try the following page: http://www.iiis.org/sci2003/ .
If you are interested in organizing an invited session, please, fill the respective form provided in the conference web page, and we will send you a password, so you can include and modify papers in your invited session.
Could you, please, deliver the Call for Papers I am sending you?
If you need a detailed Call for Papers, don't hesitate in asking us for it.
If the deadlines are tight and you need more time, let me know about a suitable time and I will inform you if it is feasible for us.
Best regards,
Professor Nagib Callaos General Chair SCI 2003
July 27 - 30, 2003
Orlando, Florida, USA Sheraton World
Honorary Presidents of Past Conferences: Bela Banathy, Stafford Beer and George Klir Program Committee Chair: William Lesso General Chair: Nagib Callaos Organizing Committee Chair: Belkis Sanchez
* Information Systems, Technologies and Applications * Communication and Network Systems, Technologies and Applications * Control Systems, Technologies and Applications * Computer Science and Engineering * Optical Systems, Technologies and Applications * Image, Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing * Applications of Informatics and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering * Systemics
· WOSC: World Organization of Systemics and Cybernetics (France) · The Centre for Systems Studies (UK) · System Society of Poland · Society Applied Systems Research (Canada) · Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society · Simon Bolivar University (Venezuela) · Polish System Society (Poland) · Italian Society of Systemics · ISSS: International Society for the Systems Sciences (USA) · ISI: The International Systems Institute (USA) · IFSR: International Federation for Systems Research (Austria/USA) · Cybernetics and Human Knowing: A Journal of Second Order Cybernetics and Cybersemiotics (Denmark) · Concurrency and Architecture Group of the Telematics Engineering Department of the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria (Spain) · CUST, Engineer Science Institute of the Blaise Pascal University (France) · The Tunisian Scientific Society (Tunisia) · American Society for Cybernetics (Canada) · Laboratory of Research in Computacional Intelligence department of Informatica Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina) · ANS (Academy of non-linear Sciences, RUSSIA)
· Wolfram Research, Inc. (USA)
· IEEE, Computer Society (Chapter: Venezuela) · Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences · National Research Council of Canada
The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.
Those interested in participating in: · The Organization of Invited Session(s) · The Organization of Focus Symposium · The Reviewing Process · The Conference Promotion · Recommending Scholars/Researchers in order to have an active participation and/or submit the papers · Proposing Organizations/Institutes/Universities as Academic/Scientific Co-sponsors.
Please, enter to the conference web page: http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ , and fill the respective form. If by any reasons you are not able to access the page mentioned above, please, try the following page: http://www.iiis.org/sci2003/ .
If you have any problems linking to the conference web pages, or you need to send or receive additional information, contact:
Participation of both, researchers and practitioners is strongly encouraged. Papers may be submitted on: research in science and engineering, case studies drawn on professional practice and consulting, and position papers based on large and rich experience gained through executive/managerial practices and decision-making. For this reason, the Program Committee is conformed according to the criteria given above.
1. Papers · Research · Review · Position · Report 2. Panel Presentation, Workshop and/or Round Table Proposals 3. New Topics and Invited Sessions Proposals (which should include a minimum of 5 papers) 4. Focus Symposia (which should include a minimum of 15 papers)
Extended abstracts or paper drafts should be sent taking into account the following:
1. Major theme of the paper, related to the major themes given above. 2. Paper title. 3. Extended abstract of 500 to 1500 words and/or paper drafts of 2000 to 5000 words, in English. 4. Authors and/or co-authors with names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.
Extended abstracts or paper drafts should be sent to the conference web page: http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ , filling the respective form and uploading the respective paper or extended abstract. If by any reasons you are not able to access the page mentioned above, please, try the following page: http://www.iiis.org/sci2003/ .
If the conference web pages are not accessible for you, you can also make your submission by e-mail, attaching it to the following e-mail addresses: nacallao@telcel.net.ve, ncallaos@telcel.net.ve and sciconfer@cantv.net.
March 14, 2003: Submission of extended abstracts (500-1500 words) or paper drafts (2000-5000 words).
March 14, 2003: Invited session proposals.
May 09, 2003: Acceptance notifications.
May 21, 2003: Submission of camera-ready papers: hard copies and electronic versions.
Submitted papers will be reviewed. Accepted papers, which should not exceed six single-spaced typed pages, will be published by means of paper and electronic proceedings.
Best papers will be selected for awards and might be recommended for journal publications.
Multiple author books will be published by IIIS based on, the best-invited sessions, the best focus symposia or the best mini-conferences and the topic of the papers.
Based on past conferences experience, we suggest the following steps in order to organize an invited session:
1)Identify a special topic in the scope of SCI 2003, and the invited session title. 2) Fill the invited session organization form, provided in the conference web page http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ and fill the respective form. If by any reasons you are not able to access the page mentioned above, please, try the following page: http://www.iiis.org/sci2003 . If you dont have access to the web, please, contact the SCI 2003 Secretariat to the following e-mails: jcastellano@iiis.org 3) If the identified topic is suitable, the General Chair will accept the proposal, and you will receive an acceptation by e-mail, in few days. This acceptation is not a final approval of the proposed session, but a pre-approval. The final approval will depend on identifying at least five papers for the proposed session and informing, at least, about their titles. With this acceptation: a) the proposed session will be included in the conference web page as well as its organizer and the chairs names, and b) its organizer will be able to announce his/her invited session in the context of SCI 2003, by any media that he/she thinks appropriated, such as: Web page, hard copy call for papers, call for papers attached to e-mails, etc. 4) Contact researchers and/or practitioners in your field to see if they can contribute a paper to your proposed session and attend at SCI 2003. 5) Collect the extended abstracts or the paper drafts from each prospective participant. 6) Write a summary (1-2 page) with the main objectives, which must be related to the invited/selected papers. 7) As soon as you have 5 papers, you will complete the form regarding the invited session papers, provided in the conference web page http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ or http://www.iiis.org/sci2003 . 8) Step 7 will take your invited session to the status of an approved one if the papers fulfil all the requirements (i.e. quality). All the approved invited sessions will be included in the SCI 2003 conference program. 9) In order to obtain a more diverse and variety opinions, do not accept more than 2 papers from the same author, unless his/her co-author will be the one who will present the additional paper.
Integrated by (319) prestigious scholars/researchers from 54 countries: Details can be found in the conference web page: http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ .
The conference fees will be $370 before the deadline, and $420 after the deadline.
This fee will include exclusively:
* A CD-ROM version of the Proceedings * One volume of the hard copy version of the Conference Proceedings. (Other volumes will be available with a 40% of discount for participants) * Coffee breaks * Welcome Reception
Each registration fee might include just one paper, which presentation will be included in the conference program and published in the conference proceedings.
Any other expenses must be afforded/provided by the participants. The registration fee does not include any post-conference services. There will be additional shipping and handling costs for those registered authors who, for unforeseen reasons, could not go to the conference. Any post-conference administrative requirements will be charged $20 per staff hour required to elaborate such a requirement, with a minimum of $10. Post-conference requirements will have their own deadline, which in no case will be more than three months, after the last day of the conference.
The only audiovisual equipment provided for most meetings will be an overhead projector and a screen. Video projection or any other equipment, if needed, will have to be supplied by the presenter.
USA Tel/Fax: +1 (407) 856-6274 Venezuela Tel/Fax (office): +58 (212) 962-1519
Conference Secretariat
nacallao@telcel.net.ve ncallaos@telcel.net.ve sciconfer@cantv.net.
Details can be found at the Conference web page: http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ . Answers to specific questions can also be requested by e-mail. ------- End of forwarded message ------- Hallo,
participants (1)
Joerg Diederich