[Fwd: SeamIx@Home: Workshop on Seamless Interaction in Ambient Assisted Homes]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: SeamIx@Home: Workshop on Seamless Interaction in Ambient Assisted Homes Datum: Thu, 14 May 2009 14:44:47 +0200 Von: Wilko Heuten heuten@offis.de An: Wilko Heuten Wilko.Heuten@offis.de
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====================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS ====================================================================== International Workshop on Seamless Interaction in Ambient Assisted Homes (SeamIx@Home) 2009
In conjunction with Mensch und Computer 2009 September 06-09, 2009 Berlin, Germany (http://www.hu-berlin.de/mc2009)
====================================================================== IMPORTANT DATES
Paper Submission: June 12, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: July 03, 2009 Camera-Ready Papers & Registration: July 13, 2009 SeamIx@Home 2009: September 06-09, 2009
====================================================================== THEME OF THE WORKSHOP
Borderless free - the motto of the “Mensch and Computer 2009” - is an inherent need and desire of elderly persons with their special needs to achieve a fulfilled and independent living at home. Besides structural alterations of the own home, ICT can provide significantly increase comfort, safety, health, and well-being at home. What is needed is assistance in the management of everyday activities in the home environment. Supporting persons in their own homes in their daily living in a seamless and helpful fashion is one of the big challenges of ambient assisted homes. The objective is to improve the quality of life in the golden age with new technologies.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and with it ambient assisted homes include methods, concepts, (electronic) systems, devices as well as services that are providing unobtrusive support for daily life based on context and the situation of the assisted person. For ambient assisted homes traditional means for user interface development as known from desktop computing is often not suitable as many other conditions have an influence on the design in this context. One essential need in ambient assisted homes is seamless interaction, which is integrated into the immediate personal environment of the user. Novel user interfaces need to react intelligently to the user's situation, interaction and goals in a coherent way.
Focus of this workshop is the design of novel seamless user interfaces in ambient assisted homes. We invite researchers from different areas computer science, psychology, nursing care, gerontology, geriatrics, and rehabilitation medicine to submit original results in the design, development, and evaluation of seamless interaction methods but also relevant experience reports and case studies that will contribute to future ambient assisted homes. Scenarios addressed include support for the daily tasks in the personal household, monitoring and prevention in home-based rehabilitation sport, assessment of activity, social interaction, as well as prevention and detection of emergency situations.
====================================================================== TOPICS
Topics of the workshop lie in the area of seamless interaction for ambient assisted homes. We encourage submissions presenting the design, development, and evaluation of seamless interaction methods but also relevant experience reports and case studies that will contribute to future ambient assisted homes. Possible research themes include:
* Multimodal and ambient interaction design for the elderly
* Usability and accessibility engineering for seamless interaction
* Results of user studies and evaluations of interacting in ambient assisted homes
* Methods to evaluate ambient assisted home applications
* Social, ethical and privacy related aspects of ambient assisted homes
* Development of interactive healthcare systems for ambient assisted homes
* Sensors and sensor fusion for context acquisition in ambient assisted homes
* Architectures for seamless interaction in ambient assisted homes
We encourage two types of submissions: (1) Research papers describing original research work which focuses on one or more of the workshop's topics, and (2) Experience reports and case studies from ambient assisted home living labs. We strongly encourage student papers, which may also report work in progress.
====================================================================== SUBMISSION OF PAPERS
We kindly invite authors to submit original and unpublished papers until June 12, 2009. Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 10 pages (corresponds to ~4 pages ACM two column style) for short papers and 20 pages (corresponds to ~7 pages ACM two column style) for long papers respectively in length and follow the template of the publisher of the University of Oldenburg - BIS-Verlag. Papers may be submitted in Adobe PDF format. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to fully register for 'Mensch und Computer 2009' and present the paper on-site.
====================================================================== ORGANIZERS
Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany Wilko Heuten, OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Germany Peter van Hengel, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology (IDMT), Germany Bernd Krieg-Brückner, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Bremen, Germany
====================================================================== PC MEMBERS
Sahin Albayrak, DAI Labor, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Marco Eichelberg, OFFIS – Institut für Informatik, Germany Jens Appell, Fraunhofer Institut Digitale Medientechnologie (IDMT), Germany Reinhold Haux, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Andreas Hein, Universität Oldenburg, Germany Andreas Holzinger, Medical University Graz, Austria Markus Meis, HörTech / Hörzentrum Oldenburg, Germany Paul Panek, CEIT RALTEC – Forschungsinstitut Rehabilitation und Assisted Living Technologien, Schwechat / Living Lab Schwechat / Technische Universität Wien, Austria Herbert Plischke, Peter-Schilffarth-Institut für Soziotechnologie gemeinnützige GmbH, Germany Christian Ressel, Fraunhofer Institut Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme (IMS) / Fraunhofer inHaus-Zentrum, Germany Constanze Weiland, Siemens C-LAB / Universität Paderborn, Germany
Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany Wilko Heuten, OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Germany Peter van Hengel, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology (IDMT), Germany Bernd Krieg-Brückner, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Bremen, Germany
-- Dr. Wilko Heuten Gruppenleiter Intelligente Nutzungsschnittstellen | Manager Intelligent User Interfaces Group
OFFIS FuE Bereich Gesundheit | R&D Division Health Escherweg 2 - 26121 Oldenburg - Germany Phone/Fax: +49 441 9722-171/102 E-Mail: wilko.heuten@offis.de URL: http://www.offis.de
participants (1)
Lars Wolf