[Fwd: CfP: Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks (EuroView2007)"]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CfP: Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks (EuroView2007)" Datum: Thu, 24 May 2007 14:48:47 +0200 Von: Michael Menth menth@INFORMATIK.UNI-WUERZBURG.DE Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE Organisation: University of Wuerzburg An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
7th Wuerzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2007) http://www3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ITG/2007/ on July 23rd and 24th 2007 in Wuerzburg/Germany
The workshop's tradition and intention is to foster the communication among researchers from industry, universities, and other research institutes. To that end, invited speeches by outstanding personalities and technical talks about current research will be presented.
Following the success EuroView2006, we intensify the discussion on "Visions of Future Generation Networks". We would like to stimulate discussions on future Internet applications as well as on future wireline and wireless Internet architectures to accelerate their development. Therefore, we have invited outstanding speakers contributing to this area: http://www3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ITG/2007/program.shtml
We seek for further technical presentations addressing the focus of this workshop and which are suitable to promote discussions in the context of Future Internet among participants.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Phuoc Tran-Gia (general chair) Prof. Dr. Daniel Kofman (chair of EuroFGI) Dr. Kurt Tutschku (chair of EuroFGI integration) Dr. Michael Menth (chair of local organization)
The workshop takes place in the computer science building on the Hubland Campus of the University of Wuerzburg/Germany. Wuerzburg is well accessible via airport Frankfurt/Main and another 90 minutes by railway. We have reserved a limited number of hotel rooms for workshop participants. http://www3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ITG/2007/unterkunft.shtml
June 13th 2007: submission of an abstract by email: title of the talk and abstract, max. 1 page June 29th 2007: notification of acceptance July 8th 2007: registration by email registration fee: 100 Euro; the participation is free of charge for members of EuroFGI institutions
Contacts: Michael Menth, menth@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de Tobias Hossfeld, hossfeld@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de
participants (1)
Lars Wolf