[Fwd: CfP - 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Bandwidth on Demand (BoD 2008)]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CfP - 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Bandwidth on Demand (BoD 2008) Datum: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 09:07:58 +0100 Von: Burkhard Stiller stiller@IFI.UZH.CH Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE Organisation: University of Zurich, IFI An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
[Apologies for possibly receiving multiple copies of this CFP.]
Call for Papers
2nd IEEE International Workshop on Bandwidth on Demand (BoD 2008) http://www.csg.uzh.ch/events/bod08/
In conjunction with IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2008 http://www2.dcc.ufmg.br/eventos/noms2008/
April 11, 2008 Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
"From Bandwidth on Demand to Networks on Demand - Bandwidth Trading in the Era of Network Virtualization"
The second BoD workshop follows the first successful workshop which was held in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2006. Driven by the recent technical advances in telecommunications, especially in the area of network virtualization and wireless mesh networks, as well as based on the new potential of emerging peer-to-peer (P2P) and next generation networking (NGN) concepts, the goal of this workshop is to take a fresh and innovative look at the concept of bandwidth on demand (BoD).
The rapid technological progress in the area network virtualization, mainly driven by new optical fiber technology and virtual router infrastructures, is generating a new trend for "on demand" provisioning of bandwidth or even whole networks for applications that require short-term bandwidth assignments at large scale, such as large sporting events or cultural open air activities. However, suitable business models for "on demand" bandwidth services are currently missing.
The BoD 2008 workshop seeks original papers, both from industry as well as academia, dealing with the technical, economic, and legal dimensions of BoD mechanisms. The workshop will include presentations and discussions of accepted technical papers, as well as invited talks and a panel session.
Topics of Interest
* Technical design of scalable, reliable, and cost-effective bandwidth trading infrastructures, including market mechanisms as a way to increase efficiencies o Scalability of bandwidth trading mechanisms o Secure and reliable bandwidth trading mechanisms o IP-based and decentralized trading mechanisms o P2P trading infrastructures, distributed markets, P2P auctions o Management of bandwidth trading infrastructures o Provisioning of bandwidth on demand o Provisioning of networks on demand
* Economic studies and modeling of market and business models in carrier and service provider networks o Economics of networks on demand o Economic management of network virtualization o Game theoretical bandwidth on demand models o Cost and revenue models o Bandwidth on demand business models o Market liquidity aspects
* Resource allocation and provision in non-profit bandwidth trading systems (economic modeling, incentive mechanisms, policies) o Neighborhood wireless mesh networks o Peer-to-peer Internet access sharing o Network testbed infrastructures (e.g., GENI, Planetlab)
* Industrial developments of new technologies that facilitate or create impediments to bandwidth on demand o Network virtualization technologies o Wireless mesh networks o Network management aspects o Technical improvements in transport and data networks
* Legislative and regulatory issues related to the Telecom Act and in comparison to other commodities markets such as the electric grid o Telecom legislation o Telecom regulation o Commodities markets o Legal issues of P2P trading infrastructures
Paper Submissions
Papers are solicited as full papers (in English), of no more than 8 single-spaced pages, each of which will be subject to a full review process.
Submissions must be in PDF and will be handled using the JEMS system. Please refer to http://www.csg.uzh.ch/events/bod08/ for further submission instructions or contact bod08@ifi.uzh.ch for additional information. Those papers accepted will be published in proceedings with an ISBN number.
Important Dates
* Submission deadline: January 7, 2008 * Notification of acceptance: February 7, 2008 * Final versions of papers due: February 21, 2008 * Workshop date: April 11, 2008
Workshop Chairs
* Panayotis Antoniadis, LIP6, France * David Hausheer, University of Zurich, Switzerland * Kohei Shiomoto, NTT Labs, Japan * Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland * Jean Walrand, UC Berkeley, USA
participants (1)
Lars Wolf