Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] cfp - Special Session on Simulation of Urban Traffic Management and ITS @ IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2019
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] cfp - Special Session on Simulation of Urban Traffic Management and ITS @ IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2019 Datum: Wed, 15 May 2019 16:05:49 +0000 Von: Anna Maria Vegni annamaria.vegni@UNIROMA3.IT Antwort an: Anna Maria Vegni annamaria.vegni@UNIROMA3.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
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********************** CALL FOR PAPER **********************
DS-RT 2019 the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulations and Real Time Applications Cosenza, Italy - October 7-9, 2019
Special Session on Simulation of Urban Traffic Management and ITS http://ds-rt.com/2019/soiits_2019.htm ************************************************************
This special session focuses on simulation tools and real-time simulation applications used in and for evaluation, management, and design of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), as well as Smart Cities. Such simulations are expected to offer prediction and on-the-flow feedback for the better decision-making, bringing up means for both the implementation of more complex traffic management systems and end-user applications. Off-line and real-time analyses of data collected from infrastructured systems (e.g. real-time traffic information), mobile, distributed technologies (e.g. communication devices), and socially-build systems (e.g. social networks applications) are of great interest for shaping and influencing how ITS solutions are designed. Thus, we are particularly interested in how these data and technologies can be incorporated in domain-related models and simulations. We aim to bring together experts from both industry and academia to discuss the challenges related to modelling and simulation for ITS.
Web page: http://ds-rt.com/2019/soiits_2019.htm
**** PAPER SUBMISSION AND REVIEW **** Submitted manuscripts must be in standard IEEE two-column format that is used for IEEE conference proceedings and must not exceed "8 pages” (2-page extension allowed), including figures, tables and references. Standard IEEE templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats can be found at: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
A submission may present preliminary results, propose new research direction, provide insightful retrospective, or offer a provocative viewpoint on important topics related to the considered special session. Papers will be selected based on their likelihood of generating insightful technical discussions at the special session and influencing future research. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the conference and the special session. At least one author of accepted papers must attend the conference and present its contribution. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by IEEE Press.
Accepted works will be published in the main track of IEEE DS-RT 2019 proceedings.
Full paper submission deadline: May 30th, 2019 Paper acceptance notification: June 30th, 2019
For questions about the paper submission and review process, please contact the session organizers at http://ds-rt.com/2019/soiits_2019.htm
Best Regards, DS-RT 2019 Special Session Chairs
______________________________________ Anna Maria Vegni, PhD
COMLAB - Telecommunication Lab Department of Engineering ROMA TRE University Via Vito Volterra, 62 - 00146 Rome, Italy
e-mail: annamaria.vegni@uniroma3.it other: a.v.vegni@ieee.org, vegni@acm.org web: http://www.comlab.uniroma3.it/vegni.htm ph: +39.06.5733.7357 mob: +39.333.6570348 (or 87873) fax: +39.06.5733.7026
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf