************************************************* * SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED to APRIL 30 2009 * ************************************************* [Apologies for possible multiple copies] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd International Workshop on Adaptation in Wireless Sensor Networks (AWSN-09)
In Conjunction with The 7th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2009)
Vancouver, Canada, August 29-31, 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are networked embedded systems that rely on wireless communication. WSNs are supposed to run long-lived applications. During operation, applications are likely to experience unpredictable environment conditions that require to dynamically change their behavior. With current reprogramming technology, such an adaptation is still an open issue, as it can be achieved either at the expense of significant energy consumption or through software complexity. The challenge is to achieve WSN systems that not only embed intelligence into environments, but also have embedded intelligence for reprogramming themselves after their deployment.
The workshop aims at stimulating researchers and practitioners in embedded and ubiquitous computing, autonomic computing, ad-hoc networking and all other relevant areas to present their ideas and work in progress for advancing the technologies that enable adaptive WSN applications.
* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Re-configurable, adaptive applications * Context-awareness * Self-healing, self-protection, self-configuration, self-optimization * Agents and distributed computing * Embedded Virtual machines * Viral programming * Opportunistic computing * Intelligent power management and coverage * Adaptive wireless communication and networks * Security and fault-tolerance ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER SUBMISSION
The program committee encourage original, high-quality submissions from researchers and practitioners from academia and industry. All papers will be reviewed according to their originality, significance, correctness, presentation and relevance.
Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Selected papers of the workshop will be considered for a special issue in International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS, www.inderscience.com/ijaacs)
Please follow the submission instructions that will be made available at the workshop's website (http://tweb.ing.unipi.it/awsn09)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline (EXTENDED): April 30, 2009 Authors Notification: May 25, 2009 Camera-ready Paper due: June 15, 2009
----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP CHAIRS Marco Avvenuti, University of Pisa, Italy (m.avvenuti@iet.unipi.it) Alessio Vecchio, University of Pisa, Italy (a.vecchio@iet.unipi.it)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Rachel Cardell-Oliver, The University of Western Australia, Australia Mario Giovanni C.A. Cimino, University of Pisa, Italy Sajid Hussain, Acadia University, Canada Janet Light, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada Kirk Martinez, University of Southampton, UK G.M.P. O'Hare, University College Dublin, Ireland
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Marco Avvenuti