Fwd: Call for Papers and Proposals! IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2020), Las Vegas, USA. Submissions Due Soon!

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for Papers and Proposals! IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2020), Las Vegas, USA. Submissions Due Soon! Datum: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 20:33:24 +0000 Von: IEEE Communications Society noreply@comsoc.org Antwort an: IEEE Communications Society noreply@comsoc.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Call for Papers and Proposals! IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2020), Las Vegas, USA. Submissions Due Soon!
https://ccnc2020.ieee-ccnc.org/ https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=965c4e46cf&e=207f36f14a
*Call for Papers and Proposals!*
The IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=4d3106fdbe&e=207f36f14a), sponsored by IEEE Communications Society https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=c5fa2d66c2&e=207f36f14a, is a major annual international conference which brings together hundreds of researchers, developers, and practitioners from industry and academia working in all areas of consumer communications and networking.
The IEEE CCNC 2020 https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=9069179669&e=207f36f14awill be held on 10-13 January 2020 in the vibrant city of Las Vegas. The conference will present the latest developments and technical solutions in the areas of home networking, consumer networking, enabling technologies and novel applications and services.
We invite you to submit workshop papers, work-in-progress papers and/or demonstration proposals. Don't miss this great opportunity to present your expertise and technology at the CCNC 2020!
https://ccnc2020.ieee-ccnc.org/authors https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=809f930122&e=207f36f14a
*CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=171a2c3d23&e=207f36f14a CALL FOR WORK-IN-PROGRESS (WIP) PAPERS https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=7e6a0fff75&e=207f36f14a CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=c575830574&e=207f36f14a*
*Important Dates:*
Work-in-Progress Submission Deadline: 23 September 2019
Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 4 October 2019
Demo Proposal Deadline: 18 October 2019
*/Special ComSoc Student Membership Promotion!/* *IEEE Student and Graduate Student members* will be able to join the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) for just *$1 dollar*! Join https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=df001c35f2&e=207f36f14a *Existing ComSoc Student and Graduate Student members* can renew their ComSoc membership for *$1* as well. Renew now https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=62291cbe42&e=207f36f14a
IEEE Communications Society - 3 Park Ave., 17th Flr. New York, New York 10016 | www.comsoc.org
IEEE Privacy Policy https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=4b7ae03a87&e=207f36f14a You may unsubscribe https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=7005f6a051&e=207f36f14a&c=664de6dcc9from this list at any time. Unsubscribing will not remove you from any IEEE programs in which you may be enrolled. If you are an IEEE member, you will continue to receive notifications that are directly related to your account. In addition, you can also manage your IEEE communications preferences and policies https://comsoc.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=52f2719e3caf956945fef4cda&id=dbf0825352&e=207f36f14a.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf