[Fwd: [Tccc] WiOpt 2006 preliminary CFP]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] WiOpt 2006 preliminary CFP Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 17:32:19 -0400 From: Ibrahim Matta matta@cs.bu.edu To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
Wiopt 2006 Preliminary Call for Papers
The 4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'06)
April 3 - 7, 2006 Boston, Massachusetts
SCOPE OF THE SYMPOSIUM ----------------------
The complexity of mobile, ad hoc, and wireless networks requires thoroughly founded models capturing their essential characteristics and new optimization techniques building upon such models. Insights into both the theoretical aspects of these problems as well as practical methods and tools are necessary. This symposium intends to bring together researchers and practitioners working on optimization issues from different perspectives, including performance analysis, mobile networking, wireless communication, and optimization theory.
Contributions to this conference should show new modeling and optimization techniques suitable for mobile/wireless networks or innovative applications of these techniques to improve network operation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling techniques and tools for wireless networks
* Performance characterization & optimization of wireless networks
* Wireless network optimization: Applications, algorithms, and tools
* Protocol design for optimal wireless network utilization
* Models and optimization approaches for energy efficiency, QoS, bandwidth economy and other aspects of wireless networks
* Models and optimization techniques for non-standard network paradigms like sensor, vehicular, body area networks
* Security and co-operation models for mobile and ad hoc networks
* Pricing and incentives in wireless networks
* Game theoretic techniques for mobile/wireless networks
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS -----------------------
Papers should be submitted as extended abstracts of up to 8 pages, single column format; and contain sufficient information to allow for a detailed review. The final manuscript will be 10 pages in double column format. Selected papers from WiOpt 2006 will appear in a special issue of ACM/Kluwer Monet.
IMPORTANT DATES ---------------
Submission deadline: Oct. 5, 2005 (5pm EST) Notification of acceptance: Dec. 5, 2005 Camera-ready copy: Jan. 5, 2006
Papers should be submitted in pdf or ps format through the EDAS system (http://edas.info). For more details, please visit http://www.wiopt.org
General Chair ------------- I. Matta, Boston University, USA
Vice General Chair ------------------ Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus, Greece
Program Co-Chairs ----------------- E. Modiano, MIT, USA Leandros Tassiulas, University of Thessaly, Greece
Steering Committee ------------------
Eitan Altman, INRIA, France Tamer Basar, UIUC, USA Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net, Italy (Chair) Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy Jon Crowcroft, Cambridge University, UK Tony Ephremides, University of Maryland, USA Holger Karl, University of Paderborn, Germany Daniele Miorandi, CREATE-NET, Italy Roger Whitaker, Cardiff University, UK
Workshops Steering Subcommittee ------------------------------- Chadi Barakat, INRIA, France Dina Papagiannaki, Intel Research Cambridge, UK
Workshops Chair --------------- Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan, USA
Local Arrangements Chair ------------------------ David Starobinski, Boston University, USA
Publicity Chair --------------- Stavros Toumpis, ftw, Vienna
Publications Chair ------------------ Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University, USA
ADJUNCT WORKSHOPS -----------------
Several one-day workshops will accompany the main WiOpt Symposium:
* WINMEE 2006: Measurement in Wireless Networks Chairs: K. Almeroth (UCSB) Kave Salamatian (LIP6-CNRS, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie)
* RAWNET 2006: Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks Chairs: S. Borst (Bell Labs.-CWI) A. Proutiere (France Telecom R&D)
* SPASWIN 2006: Stochastic Geometry for Wireless Networks Chairs: M. Fransescheti (USCD) P. Thiran (EPFL)
* NETCOD 2006: Network Coding and Information Theory Chairs: R. Kotter (UIUC) M. Medard (MIT)
SPONSORSHIP ----------- Wiopt'06 is co-sponsored by Create-net, ICST, Boston University, INRIA, the ACM (approval for cooperation pending), and the IEEE Information Theory, Control and Communications Societies (approval pending).
=== Ibrahim Matta, Associate Professor Computer Science Department Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA Tel: (617) 358-1062, Fax: (617) 353-6457 matta@cs.bu.edu http://www.cs.bu.edu/~matta
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@cs.columbia.edu http://lists.cs.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccc
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Lars Wolf