Fwd: [Tccc] Call for papers: ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Information-Centric Networking (ICN-2011)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] Call for papers: ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Information-Centric Networking (ICN-2011) Datum: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 14:49:49 +0000 Von: Dirk Kutscher Dirk.Kutscher@neclab.eu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu CC: icn2011-organizers@listserv.netlab.nec.de icn2011-organizers@listserv.netlab.nec.de
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====================================================================== ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Information-Centric Networking
August 15-19,2011 Toronto, ON, Canada
http://www.neclab.eu/icn-2011/ ======================================================================
Call For Papers ---------------
The development of Information-Centric Networking (ICN -- also referred to as data centric networking, content centric networking, networking of information, etc.) concepts is one of the significant results of different international Future Internet research activities. In such approaches, the principal paradigm is not host-to-host communication as in the current Internet architecture. Instead, an increasing demand for highly scalable and efficient distribution of content has motivated the development of architectures that focus on information objects, their properties, and receiver interest in the network to achieve efficient and reliable distribution of such objects. Corresponding network architectures can leverage in-network storage, multiparty communication through replication and interaction models such as publish-subscribe to provide general platforms for communication services that are today only available in dedicated systems such as peer-to-peer overlays and proprietary content-distribution networks.
Important research topics for ICN include: naming and addressing (how to name information objects, how to represent location information), routing and resolution (deciding on how to forward "interest" in information and actual information objects, whether and how to resolve information object names to lower layer identifiers during that process), resource management (implications of in-network caching and paradigms such as receiver-orientation to resource sharing, congestion control etc.) and security (privacy, data protection and key distribution have to be adapted to the new communication models). This workshop invites original contributions on Information-Centric Networking architecture topics as well as on results from implementations and experimentation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Naming and addressing in ICN * Routing and name resolution in ICN * Resource management (caching strategies, congestion control) * Security, privacy and trust in ICN * Testbeds and simulation frameworks * Business and deployment aspects * New application opportunities with ICN * Design and definition of the basic ICN primitives * Accountability in ICN (e.g. referrals, click-throughs, etc) * Billing, costing and invoicing for ICN traffic * Metadata and network extensions for ICN * Real-time traffic over ICN (voice, video, etc) * PDUs, fragmentation and “packet size†implications on design * Overlays and underlays with ICN * ICNs in mobile networks * Concurrency, locking and synchronization for ICN data * Versioning, deletion, revocation and general ICN object management * Monitoring, troubleshooting and management tools for ICNs
Submission instructions ------------------------
Submissions must be no greater than 6 pages in length and must be a pdf file. Reviews will be single-blind: authors name and affiliation should be included in the submission. Submissions must follow the formatting guidelines at http://www.sigcomm.org/sigcomm2011/. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop. Submissions must be original work not under review at any other workshop, conference, or journal.
Submission website: http://www.neclab.eu/icn-2011/
Important Dates ---------------
Paper submission: Friday, March 18, 2011 [23:59 PST]
Acceptance notification: Friday, April 29, 2011
Camera-ready: Friday, May 27, 2011
Date of the workshop: Friday, August 19, 2011
Technical Program Chairs ------------------------ Dirk Kutscher, NEC Laboratories Europe - Germany Giacomo Morabito, University of Catania - Italy Ignacio Solis, PARC - USA
Steering Committee icn2011-organizers@listserv.netlab.nec.de -------------------------------------------
Dirk Kutscher, NEC Laboratories Europe - Germany Giacomo Morabito, University of Catania - Italy Boerje Ohlman, Ericsson - Sweden George C. Polyzos, AUEB - Greece Ignacio Solis, PARC - USA Lixia Zhang, UCLA - USA
Technical program committee ---------------------------
Tarek Abdelzaher, UIUC - USA Bengt Ahlgren, SICS - Sweden Tohru Asami, Univ. of Tokio - Japan Jun Bi, Tsinghua Univ. - China Nicola Blefari-Melazzi, Univ. of Rome - Italy Yanghee Choi, Seoul National Univ. - South Korea Costas Courcoubetis, AUEB - Greece Andrea Detti, Univ. of Rome - Italy Lars Eggert, Nokia, Finland Stephen Farrell, Trinity College - Ireland Kenneth Guild, University of Essex - UK Van Jacobson, PARC - USA Jussi Kangasharju, Helsinki Univ. - Finland Holger Karl, Univ. Paderborn - Germany Wolfgang Kellerer, NTT Docomo - Germany Teemu Koponen, Nicira - USA Anders Lindgren, SICS - Sweden Daniel Massey, Colorado State Univ. - USA Pekka Nikkander, Ericsson - Finland Joerg Ott, Aalto Univ. - Finland Sara Oueslati, France Telecom - France Christos Papadopoulos, Colorado State Univ. - USA Jarno Rajahalme, NSN - Finland Scott Shenker, ICSI - USA Sasu Tarkoma, Aalto Univ. - Finland Dirk Trossen, Cambridge Univ. - UK Ryuji Wakikawa, Toyota ITC - Japan Lan Wang, Univ. of Memphis - USA Edmund Yeh, Yale Univ. - USA Beichuan Zhang, Univ. of Arizona - USA
-- Dr. Dirk Kutscher NEC Laboratories Europe Kurfuerstenanlage 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany email: dirk.kutscher@neclab.eu Tel. +49 6221 4342 203 Fax. +49 6221 4342 155
NEC Europe Limited | Registered Office: NEC House, 1 Victoria Road, London W3 6BL | Registered in England 2832014
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf