[Fwd: [MM-INTEREST] Call for Brave New Topics @ ACM MM 2008]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [MM-INTEREST] Call for Brave New Topics @ ACM MM 2008 Datum: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:20:13 -0400 Von: A. EL Saddik abed@MCRLAB.UOTTAWA.CA Antwort an: A. EL Saddik abed@MCRLAB.UOTTAWA.CA An: MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
Call for Brave New Topics
ACM Multimedia 2008 (http://www.mcrlab.uottawa.ca/acmmm2008/) is seeking to extend the boundaries of multimedia research presented at the conference through the introduction of its Brave New Topics Sessions.
We solicit papers either dealing with topics not usually covered at ACM Multimedia or that introduce entirely new research areas. Example topics include but are not limited to: multimodal interfaces (smell, touch, etc.), multimodal biometrics, multimedia sensor-based systems, gaming, and ambient media intelligent system.
The Brave New Topics sessions is being handled as a separate track at this year's conference. We expect to accommodate about 10 Brave New Topics papers. Since acceptance is likely to be highly selective, we encourage you to submit a short proposal well in advance of the final submission dates. We can provide feedback on your proposal or help bring groups together in expanded sessions.
Paper presented in the Brave New Topic session will be included in the ACM MM proceedings and will be made accessible through ACM digital library.
Deadlines: Extended Proposal submission: May 16, 2008 Final submission: May 30, 2008
Submit your Brave New Topic Paper directly through EDAS: http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=6584&track=4550&
Submission instructions are available at http://www.mcrlab.uottawa.ca/acmmm2008/index.php?option=com_content&task...
Brave New Topics Co-Chairs:
Ling Guan (Ryerson University) Zhengyou Zhang (Microsoft Research)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf