Fwd: [ENSsys 2018] Dealine extended to August 17, 2018. Spread the word!
3 Aug
3 Aug
6:13 p.m.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ENSsys 2018] Dealine extended to August 17, 2018. Spread the word! Datum: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 19:55:28 +0000 (UTC) Von: ENSsys 2018 HotCRP noreply@enssys18.hotcrp.com Antwort an: christian.renner@tuhh.de An: Lars Wolf wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Kopie (CC): p.pawelczak@tudelft.nl
Dear Lars Wolf,
Hello again!
Important announcement: we have just extended ENSsys deadline. The new deadline is August 17, 2018.
We would appreciate if you could spread this news to your friends and colleagues.
Thank you for your help!
- ENSsys 2018 Organizing Team
Age (days ago)
Last active (days ago)
1 participants
participants (1)
Lars Wolf