[KuVS ELG] PiK Service Oriented Computing CfP
Special Issue on Service-oriented Computing
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation Fachzeitschrift für den Einsatz von Informationssystemen
A recent trend in software and enterprise engineering is Service-oriented Computing (SOC), which can be used to design and develop complex and distributed systems. The core concept of SOC is a "service", a self-describing encapsulation of domain-specific functionalities. Business processes and applications supporting SOC can be built based on compositions of distributed and loosely coupled services. SOC relies heavily on existing open Internet standards and protocols like HTTP and XML (e.g., Web services), which allow easy integration and cost-effective adoption of SOC using an existing infrastructure.
Currently, it can be observed that SOC-related technologies and approaches become more and more mature and widespread, both in research and in real-life projects. Therefore, this special issue of the PIK magazine covers ongoing research as well as reports from SOC projects in the industry.
Topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
* Service management ** Service lifecycle management ** QoS and SLA management ** Service monitoring ** Service rating ** Business protocols
* Semantic support for SOC ** Service specifications and enhancements ** Service modeling ** Semantic services and service ontologies ** Autonomous & intelligent agents for SOC ** Interoperability and integration of external services
* Service composition and workflows ** Service discovery and delivery ** Matchmaking and resource allocation ** Orchestration and choreography
* Service integration ** Enterprise Service Bus ** Service repositories ** SOC and virtualization
* SOC security, privacy & trust
* Service engineering ** Models, methodologies, and tools ** Dynamic adaptation and reconfiguration ** Evaluation, validation and testing ** Implementation and deployment technologies ** Governance of service-based systems ** Formal methods for SOC
* Standardization for SOC
* Service-based applications (e.g., Grid and utility computing, software as a service)
The submission should cover about 6 pages (one page of the PIK equals 6000 characters excluding figures). Both German and English language submissions will be accepted for review. All papers will be reviewed double-blind. Please use the EasyChair Conference Management System to submit your papers:
* Submission deadline: 2008-06-27 * Notification of acceptance: 2008-08-01 * Submission of camera-ready version: 2008-09-05
Nicolas Repp, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM), repp(at)KOM.tu-darmstadt.de
Sebastian Hudert, Universität Bayreuth, Wirtschaftsinformatik (BWL VII), sebastian.hudert(at)uni-bayreuth.de
participants (1)
Kurt Geihs