[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP - 3rd workshop on service platforms for mobile systems (SPMS) in conjunction with SAINT 2007, Jaunuary 2006, Hiroshima, Japan]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP - 3rd workshop on service platforms for mobile systems (SPMS) in conjunction with SAINT 2007, Jaunuary 2006, Hiroshima, Japan Datum: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:12:00 +0200 Von: Kellerer, Wolfgang kellerer@docomolab-euro.com An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu, p2prg@ietf.org, wg2@wireless-world-research.org, wg3@wireless-world-research.org, sig3@wireless-world-research.org
Please apologize multiple copies of this CFP.
Call For Papers:
3rd IEEE SAINT 2007 Workshop on Next Generation Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems (SPMS 2007)
in conjunction with the 2007 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT) Hiroshima, JAPAN, January 15-19, 2007 http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint07/
Deadline for Submission of Papers: September 22, 2006
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE CS press
For more details see the below text or: http://www.docomoeurolabs.de/callforpaper_SAINT_SPMS2007.html
Stefan ARBANOWSKI, FOKUS, Germany Wolfgang KELLERER, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany Masayoshi OHASHI, KDDI, Japan Mitsuru UESUGI, Panasonic, Japan
Workshop co-chairs
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3rd IEEE SAINT 2007 Workshop on Next Generation Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems (SPMS 2007)
(http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint07/workshops/CFPaper/index.h tml)
in conjunction with the 2007 International
Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT)
Hiroshima, JAPAN, January 15-19, 2007
Theme of the Workshop:
The enormous success of the Internet results to a large extent from the flexible and easy to use platform it provides to create innovative services and applications that quickly find acceptance and customers. In parallel to the Internet, mobile communications also has evolved to an integral component in our everyday life providing a growing variety of services. Industry is pushing new standards that allow high data rate multimedia applications as well as seamless communication across heterogeneous radio and network technologies including Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC). The success of the next generation mobile telecommunication systems will again depend on the services and applications that can be provided. These future systems are expected to converge paradigms of traditional mobile telecommunication systems and the Internet protocols and software engineering methods. New paradigms will emerge. For example, the customer acceptance is considered to be widely increased by tailoring services and applications to actual user needs, their preferences and the context a user is in. Another example is Peer-to-Peer (P2P). Peer-to-Peer communication supports customers exchanging their own services and resources among each other (e.g., in communities). Furthermore, applying the Peer-to-Peer paradigm to existing system allows cost saving through reuse of available resources. A well engineered next generation service platform should provide all capabilities to allow innovative services to be created and deployed in short time addressing user needs and operator requirements. Open interfaces allow a chaining of expertise in service provisioning. Semantic technologies may help to structure knowledge about the user's vicinity.
Issues to be addressed in the workshop include: - Open Service Architectures - Mobile Service Platforms (in heterogeneous and ubiquitous environments) - Mobile peer to peer networking and applications - Capabilities and features for next generation mobile services (context-awareness, personalization/personal agent, high quality multimedia, information distribution) - Semantic Service Building Blocks (service modelling, service creation, service discovery, service composition, service execution, service management) - Privacy and trust as enabling technologies for service platforms - Service platform prototypes, trials, test beds, and evaluation - Innovative mobile applications and services
This Workshop is the best opportunity to address this highly important theme in sufficient depth and breadth. It is intended to share knowledge and exchange ideas to promote new studies a nd research topics in the area of service provisioning in IP-based mobile systems. The workshop is open to contributions from all experts in service technologies from industry and academia, including bodies such as mITF and WWRF, but not being limited to those. The Mobile IT Forum (mITF) and the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) are both organizations working towards the next generation of mobile communication systems. Those bodies represent each more than 140 member organizations (including companies, universities, and research institutes). Those bodies have dedicated working groups to the architecture/platform challenge. This workshop will be the unique opportunity to discuss service architecture/platform issues on a highly international level with experts from these bodies.
Papers and Author's Kit:
Workshop papers should be within 4 pages, no extra page is allowed. The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published, in separated volumes, by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Please follow the instruction on the web below for preparing your Workshop papers. http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint07/%3E Author's Kit etc.
Paper Submission:
Papers should be sent to the Organizers no later than September 22, 2006. After a review process by Organizers and Program Committee of the Workshop, authors of accepted papers will be requested to send its final manuscript to IEEE-CS press no later than November 1, 2006. So, authors are kindly requested to submit papers as early as possible to facilitate a review process.
It is the IEEE policy that accepted papers can be published only when IEEE recognized that at least one author has registered for presentation. So, authors will be requested to register along with the final manuscript. SAINT Conference Registration fees include a copy of the Conference proceedings, a copy of the Workshop proceedings, admission to the Conference/Workshop sessions.
The date and length (a full or half day) of the Workshop will be decided by SAINT2007 Organizing Committee taking account of the number submitted of papers, and be notified on the SAINT2007 web. Please also note that, according to the SAINT2007 Organizing Committee, the Workshop is subject to cancellation when the number submitted of papers will not be enough.
Stefan ARBANOWSKI, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany, WWRF arbanowski@fokus.fraunhofer.de Wolfgang KELLERER, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany, WWRF kellerer@docomolab-euro.com Masayoshi OHASHI, KDDI, Japan, mITF ma-oohashi@kddi.com Mitsuru UESUGI, Panasonic Japan, mITF uesugi.mitsuru@jp.panasonic.com
------------------------------------------ Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kellerer Senior Manager Future Networking Lab Ubiquitous Services Platform
DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH Landsberger Str. 312 80687 Munich, Germany
Tel. +49-89-56824-222 Fax. +49-89-56824-300 E-mail: kellerer@docomolab-euro.com http://www.docomolab-euro.com ------------------------------------------
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Lars Wolf