ICT4S 2014, 24-27 August 2014, Stockholm Sweden

[cid:image001.jpg@01CF8BAF.D774D6D0] ICT for Sustainability The 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability will be held in Stockholm, Sweden 24-27 August 2014. The conference is organized by CESC, Centre for Sustainable Communications, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in cooperation with VU University Amsterdam. ICT and transformational change ICT for sustainability is about utilizing the transformational power of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for making our world more sustainable - increasing quality of life for ever more people without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs. This year’s theme is therefore ICT and transformational change. Keynote Speakers We are excited to present a prominent list of keynote speakers! [Lorraine-Hudson]http://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/lorraine-hudson/
Lorraine Hudsonhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/lorraine-hudson/ Freelance consultant specialized in sustainability and smart cities. Has previously worked for Bristol City Council managing Smart City Bristol
[CECILIA KATZEFF]http://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/cecilia-katzeff/
Cecilia Katzeffhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/cecilia-katzeff/ Research director of the group Energy Design at Interactive Institute Swedish ICT in Sweden
[Marko Turpeinen]http://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/marko-turpeinen/
Marko Turpeinenhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/marko-turpeinen/ Director of European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT ICT Labs Helsinki
[Debra Richardson]http://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/debra-j-richardson/
Debra J. Richardsonhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/debra-j-richardson/ Professor of Informatics and founding dean of the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California–Irvine
[luis neves]http://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/luis-neves/
Luis Neveshttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/luis-neves/ Climate Change and Sustainability Officer at Deutsche Telekom Group and Chairman of the GeSI – Global e-Sustainability Initiative,
[Göran finnveden]http://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/goran-finnveden/
Göran Finnvedenhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/goran-finnveden/ Professor in Environmental Strategic Analysis and Vice-President for sustainable development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Lorenz Hiltyhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/invited-speakers/lorenz-hilty/ Professor at the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Saturday August 23
Green Hackathonhttp://ict4s.greenhackathon.com/
Sunday August 24
(KTH 08:30-09:00)
· Smart sustainable cities think tankhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/smart-sustainable-cities-think-tank/
· Untapping ICT potential for dematerializationhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/untapping-ict-potential-for-dematerialization/
· What is the role of Sustainable HCI in the field of ICT4S?http://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/workshop-v/
· Life cycle assessment of ICT – carbon footprint and operational electricity use from the operator, national and subscriber perspective
only for workshop participants
Conference Opening
Conference welcome, aims and process
Mattias Höjer, Director, Centre for Sustainable Communications CESC
Peter Woodward, facilitator, Quest Associates
ICT and sustainable development – are we doing enough?
Göran Finnveden, Vice president for Sustainable Development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Debra Richardson, Professor of Informatics and founding dean of the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California–Irvine
Coffee break
ConverStation I
20 papers presented in unconventional way, among them:
· A Practical Model for Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of Software Applications
· What is the role of ICTs in Sustainable Agriculture in Africa?
· Using Participatory Data Analysis to Understand Social Constraints and Opportunities of Electricity Demand-Shifting
Conference reception at Stockholm City Hall
Conference delegates invited to welcome reception at Stockholm City Hall by the City of Stockholm
Monday August 25
Registration (Clarion)
Plenary: Frameworks for action on ICT for sustainable development
Marko Turpeinen, Director of European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT ICT Labs Helsinki
Coffee break
Plenary: ICT4S Best Papers I
Four best paper nominees present their papers
ConverStation II
20 papers presented in unconventional way, among them:
· ICT 4 Climate Change Adaption: Systemic and Generative Perspectives & Tools
· Reducing Risk by Reducing Hazard – Use of Chemical Hazard Screening as the First Step in the Assessment Process
· Supercomputers Keeping People Warm in the Winter
Coffee Break
Plenary: Perspectives from Industry
Luis Neves, Climate Change and Sustainability Officer at Deutsche Telekom Group and Chairman of the GeSI – Global e-Sustainability Initiative
Panel discussions with Industry representatives.
Bus departure
Conference banquet
At Alfred Nobel's old Dynamite factory
Tuesday August 26
Registration (Clarion)
Plenary: ICT4S Best Papers II
Four best paper nominees present their papers
Coffee Break
Plenary: Sustainable Interaction design
Cecilia Katzeff, Research director of the group Energy Design at the Interactive Institute Swedish ICT in Sweden
Poster session
Plenary: Best paper/poster awards
Plenary: City Focus – crucible of the transformation agenda
Lorraine Hudson, Freelance consultant specializing in sustainability and smart cities and former manager of Smart City Bristol.
Discussion with speaker
City Challenge – groups consider research action needed to support a step change for ICT4S agenda in cities
Coffee Break
Plenary: Emerging challenges for the research community
Lorenz Hilty Professor at the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland
Groups discuss challenges and solutions and feedback to expert panel for comment
Closing of conference
ICT4S Pub Quiz
Wednesday August 27
Full day
· Energy-efficient systemhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/energy-efficient-system/
· Realising the potential – Citizen observatories for social innovation and sustainabilityhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/realising-the-potential/
· A social practice perspective on the smart gridhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/a-social-practice-perspective-on-the-smart-grid/
· Defining an assesment for ICT sustainabilityhttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/defining-an-assessment-for-ict-sustainability/
· Smart and sustainable solutions in Stockholm Royal Seaporthttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/smart-and-sustainable-solutions-in-stockholm-royal-seaport/
· Understanding the Societal Impacts of ICT: Methodologies and http://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/understanding-the-societal-impacts-of-ict/
only for full day workshops
Full day
· Energy-efficient system cont.http://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/energy-efficient-system/
· Realising the potential – Citizen observatories for social innovation and sustainability cont.http://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/realising-the-potential/
· A social practice perspective on the smart grid cont.http://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/a-social-practice-perspective-on-the-smart-grid/
· Study tour to the Stockholm Royal Seaporthttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/study-tour-to-the-stockholm-royal-seaport/
· Gamification on a virtual cluster platform for transformative solutionshttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/gamification-on-a-virtual-cluster-platform-for-transformative-solutions/
· Study tour, Green room concepthttp://2014.ict4s.org/program/workshops/green-room-concept/
Please observe that there still might be changes done to the schedule and that presentations might be shift between sessions.
Registration You can register for ICT4S 2014 herehttps://www.delegia.com/app/attendee/new_registration.asp?ProjectId=4597®lineNo=1&ReglineId=20199&ReglinePageNo=1&edit=off&clear=yes Or by copying https://www.delegia.com/app/attendee/new_registration.asp?ProjectId=4597%C2%... to your browser.
Conference fee
Early-bird (before 15 May)
16 May - 31 Aug
Late/on-site (from 1 Aug)
Full Registration
4500 SEK
5000 SEK
5500 SEK
Student Registration
2800 SEK
3800 SEK
4300 SEK
Workshops (Full day/Half day)
200/150 SEK
200/150 SEK
300/250 SEK
The fees are set in SEK excl. VAT 1€ ~8,99 SEK More information about registration is available at http://2014.ict4s.org/participators/registration/
Follow us on Twitter for updates about the conference @ict4s2014https://twitter.com/ICT4S2014 and use the official hashtag of the conference #ict4s2014
We are looking forward to meeting you at ICT4S 2014! Please contact us if you have any questions about the registration or the conference!
Registration/accommodation questions: ict4s@meetagain.semailto:ict4s@meetagain.se Conference questions: ict4s-2014@kth.semailto:ict4s-2014@kth.se
participants (1)