2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (IEEE WiVeC)

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2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (IEEE WiVeC'08)
21-22 September 2008, Calgary Marriott, 110 9th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5A6 Canada
Sponsored by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS)
Wireless vehicular communications has been identified as a key technology for increasing road safety and transport efficiency, and providing Internet access on the move to ensure wireless ubiquitous connectivity. The potential of this technology has been acknowledged with the establishment of ambitious research programs worldwide, such as the European eSafety initiative, the US programs derived from the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative and the Japanese InternetITS and AHS programs.
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) currently covers through its areas of interest (Mobile Radio, Transportation Systems and Automotive Electronics) all technical aspects needed to make wireless vehicular communications a reality. As a result, the IEEE VTS society has decided to establish a technical symposium on wireless vehicular communications, with the first issues planned to be co-located with the reputed IEEE VTC conferences.
The IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WiVeC) will cover all vehicular wireless communications aspects of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Person (V2P) communications, including implications on transport efficiency and safety, implications on automotive electronics, liability issues, standardizations efforts and spectrum assignment.
After a successful first WiVeC edition in 2007 (http://www.ieeevtc.org/wivec2007/) with over 150 participants in the 2-day event, the second IEEE WiVeC symposium will be co-located with the 68th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2008 Fall conference and will take place at the Calgary Marriott Hotel in Calgary on the 21st and 22nd of September 2008. Combined registrations packages will be offered for WiVeC and VTC events.
All accepted papers will be included in the VTC 2008-Fall conference proceedings and will be published on the IEEE Xplore database. A selection of the best WiVeC papers will be published in a special issue of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine http://www.ieeevtm.org
Authors are encouraged to submit full papers (a maximum of five pages) through the conference web site.
Topics of interest
The WiVec Symposium seeks original papers - not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal - in the area of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-person (V2P) wireless communications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* RF technologies, antenna design, physical layer and propagation models.
* Radio resource management and interference management.
* Spectrum assignment and EMC regulations.
* Architecture, networking protocols (including ad-hoc, routing, data dissemination, etc) and their evalutation.
* QoS and cross-layer optimization design.
* Communications systems and technologies.
* Testbeds and simulation platforms.
* Interworking with sensor network technologies.
* In-car electronics and embedded integration of wireless vehicular communications.
* Roadside infrastructure.
* Mobility management, mobility and vehicle traffic models.
* Digital maps and location technologies.
* Decision and control issues.
* Human-Machine Interface.
* Applications (Ecall, toll collection, traffic information, wireless diagnosis etc.).
* Security, liability and privacy.
* Standards development, business models, policies (e.g., Cooperative aspects of vehicular communication).
* Assessment of impact on transport efficiency and safety.
* Scalability issues in metropolitan-wide vehicular networks.
Regular Paper Submissions
Authors are encouraged to submit full length papers (maximum 5 pages) following the submission guidelines provided at http://www.ieeevtc.org/wivec2008/
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE and will be included in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
A selection of the best WiVeC papers will be published in a special issue of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (www.ieeevtm.org http://www.ieeevtm.org ).
Important Dates for regular papers
Paper Submission Deadline: 30 April 2008
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2008
Camera-ready papers due: 9 June 2008
Call for Demos
Together with the poster session, WiVeC will feature a demo session designed to allow industrials and researchers to showcase their latest industrial applications and research prototypes in WiVeC related topics. Poster and demo sessions will be co-located to ensure maximum visibility and a close interaction between presenters and participants. Demo proposals covering innovative technologies, platforms, analysis tools and applications related to wireless vehicular communications are encouraged. Submissions describing both mature or innovative systems and prototypes developed for commercial use or for research purposes, from industries or universities, are encouraged. The submitted demo proposal should include in a maximum of 2 A4 pages following the WiVeC paper format:
1. Title, authors and contact information.
2. Technical content to be demonstrated.
3. An overview of the demonstration set-up (the inclusion of photographs of the demonstrator are encouraged) and the results that will be shown to attendees.
4. Any URLs that link to screen-shots, live demos, or related information
The authors should also email the Demo Chair with information on the equipment or facilities required for the system demonstration (e.g., power supplies, Internet connections, table dimensions, etc). Demonstrations could be supported by a poster describing the general set-up of the demonstration, its background and technical content to be demonstrated. Demo participants interested to use a poster should also inform the demos chair. Demonstrations will be selected based on their novelty, technical quality, and attractiveness of the demonstrated system. Accepted demonstrations will be included in IEEE Xplore and the Conference CDROM.
Please note that for every accepted demonstration, it is required that at least one person registers for the conference and presents the demo. However, no additional paper charge is needed for authors that are already presenting a regular paper in IEEE WiVeC'08.
Important Dates for Demos
Paper Submission Deadline: 10 May 2008
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2008
Camera-ready papers due: 9 June 2008
Dr. Javier Gozálvez
Ubiquitous Wireless Communications Research Laboratory
Uwicore, http://www.uwicore.umh.es http://www.uwicore.umh.es
Signal Theory and Communications Division
University Miguel Hernández
Avda de la Universidad, s/n
03202 Elche, Spain
email: j.gozalvez@umh.es mailto:j.gozalvez@umh.es
tlf: +34 966658955 / +34 635 84 36 44
fax: +34 966658903
participants (1)
Gozalvez Sempere, Javier Manuel