Re: CFP : Global Mobile Congress 2004

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Global Mobile Congress
When: Oct.11-13 2004
Contact : GMC'04 Office fax: 1-603-590-0637
Most Authoritative Updates on China Mobile Technology and Business
The 4GMF, World Wireless Congress, China Institute of Communications, China Mobile Communications Association and IEEE China, etc announced a very important 2004 Global Mobile Congress in Shanghai, China which is an official technical event co-sponsored and supported by Tsinghua Univ., BUPT, Southeast Univ., Zhejiang Univ., Xi-dian, MOST, etc. as well as major wireless industries in China and many gov't authorities in wireless and mobile communications.
There has been tremendous interest recently in China's huge wireless markets and business opportunities. By 2008, China's wireless mobile markets will be over $200B. In China, you can find any advanced wireless mobile systems in the world. But doing business in China is totally different from any other countries.
The objective of this global mobile congress is to gather the research, development, deployment, marketing, policy and business updates in the global mobile communications and present an overview of the-state-of-the-art of emerging wireless mobile technologies - globally or locally, as well as perspectives on future development in order to promote future research and strategy activities as well as business plan and market analysis.
Original contributions are invited on recent research, development, deployment, application and business of wireless mobile communications including the convergence of mobile and wireless access systems, such as 3Gwireless, B3G, 4Gmobile, LMDS, MMDS, wATM, WLAN, RLAN, HiperLAN2, HiperACCESS, HiperMAN, WPAN, Satellite, etc. The topics of interest within the scope of this congress include (but are not limited to) the following:
The 2004 Shanghai 3G/B3G Congress Subjects
* WTO and Olympic issues regarding China's wireless infrastructure * Field trial, deployment, optimization of UMTS, cdma2000, TD-SCDMA * TD-SCDMA, LAS-CDMA, P-CDMA, OFDM/CDMA * GSM, GPRS, EDGE * UMTS, W-CDMA * IS95, cdma2000 * Open Wireless Platform Architecture * Wireless LAN (802.11, HiperLAN2) * Wireless MAN (802.16, HiperACCESS) * Wireless PAN (802.15, Bluetooth) * 3Gwireless, 4Gmobile * Freespace Laser, wireless optical * Wireless Trunking * Wireless Industries' control & applications * Wireless sensors applications * Wireless chips (base-band and RF) * All-IP wireless networks * Modulation, Coding and Channel Processing * Super-digital Signal Processing * Wireless network management * Mobile IP and IPv6 * Space Internet, aircraft wireless * Wireless applications (WAP, wJAVA, MAP) * Wireless security and safety * System engineering and optimization * Convergence of wireless communications (3G+WLAN+BT,etc) * Business strategies, partnership and cooperations * Marketing study and prediction * Policy making, certification, conformance * Wireless architecture and its optimization * Any wireless issues (technical or business)
The 2004 Annual 4G Mobile Forum (4GMF) Subjects
* 4GMF Technical Committees' Contributions o 4G system architecture o 4G service and application o 4G radio design o 4G signal processing o 4G transceiver technology o 4G network protocol and signaling o 4G reconfigurable core design o 4G Common Air Interface BIOS o 4G inter-operability and co-existence issues o 4G spectrum sharing and bandwidth allocation o All other 4G issues * 4GMF Partnership Contributions o 4G project in Europe o 4G project in USA o 4G project in China o 4G project in Korea o 4G project in U.K. o 4G project in Australia o 4G project in Japan o 4G projects in Other Countries
Important Dates
Extended Summary Due 30 March 2004
Acceptance Notification 30 May 2004
Camera-Ready Paper Due 15 July 2004
Please refer to the "Information for Authors" page for details on submission
Selected papers will be considered for 2nd review for Special Issue on B3G and 4G Mobile Communications
participants (1)
Xiaoyuan Gu