[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems: Special Issue on Exploiting Wireless Communication Technologies in Vehicular Transportation Networks]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems: Special Issue on Exploiting Wireless Communication Technologies in Vehicular Transportation Networks Datum: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 17:34:27 -0400 (EDT) Von: Chunxiao (Tricia) Chigan cchigan@mtu.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu CC: Yibing Wang Yibing.Wang@eng.monash.edu.au, Satish Ukkusuri ukkuss@rpi.edu
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CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Special Issue on Exploiting Wireless Communication Technologies in Vehicular Transportation Networks
--------------------------- Deadline: July 31, 2009 ---------------------------
Scope: -------- Since the advent of Intelligent Transportation Systems, research on the use of information for real-time transportation system management has been much conducted. The recent advances in wireless and sensor technologies have rapidly promoted the seamless integration of information of various types from transportation networks to benefit drivers and provide a wide array of transportation-oriented services. These advances in information technology and wireless communications have enabled innovative and cost-effective mobile services and applications for traffic networks. It is envisioned that inter-vehicle and infrastructure-to-vehicle communications would become technically practical in the near future, resulting in an operational “internet on the road”. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, this area has sparked a great deal of interest among researchers in wireless communication, transportation and traffic engineering, vehicular technologies, network operational research, etc. In addition, the area has gained significant traction with both public agencies and private industry. The goal of this special issue is to bring together the recent advances in vehicular infrastructure integration (VII) and vehicle to vehicle communications (V2V) paradigms that aim to develop efficient information dissemination systems to significantly improve traffic management, safety, and control.
Topics: The topics of interest include but are not limited to: --------------------------------------------------------------
• Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications technologies • Vehicle mobility management with communications • Vehicular network modeling and performance analysis • Algorithms and protocols addressing the integration of communication and transportation layers • Security and Privacy Issues of VII and V2V systems • VII and V2V simulation, implementation, and field testing • VII and V2V applications to road safety
Submission Format and Review Guidelines: ------------------------------------------- High-quality papers are solicited and will undergo the normal peer-review procedure of the journal for inclusion in the Special Issue. Manuscripts should be submitted before the deadline at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/t-its/ by selecting the manuscript type “Special Issue on VII and V2V”. The detail submission guidelines can be found at http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/its/transactions/back-cover.pdf
Important Dates: ----------------- Submission of Manuscripts: 31 July 2009 Peer-Review Results: 31 October 2009 Final Accepted Paper: 31 December 2009 Special Issue Publication: 2010
Guest Editors: ----------------
Professor Satish Ukkusuri Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute E-mail: ukkuss@rpi.edu
Professor Chunxiao (Tricia) Chigan Michigan Tech. Email: cchigan@mtu.edu
Dr. Yibing Wang Monash University E-mail: yibing.wang@eng.monash.edu.au
participants (1)
Lars Wolf