[Fwd: Introducing IEEE Portable 2007]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Introducing IEEE Portable 2007 Datum: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 01:02:53 -0500 Von: ComSocConferences@comsoc.org An: IEEEM&C@comsoc.org
[] [] *CALL FOR PARTICIPATION * *IEEE PORTABLE 2007* will bring together communications, electrical, industrial, manufacturing, materials, mechanical, optical, and reliability engineers and business leaders involved in various types of Portable Information Devices (PIDs), to address and discuss state-of-the-art challenges, attributes and pitfalls in PID-related areas of engineering and applied science, with an emphasis on the interaction of the hardware and software, as well as their functional and physical (mechanical) performance, reliability and durability.
Submissions are currently being accepted for:
* Papers * Tutorials * Technology / Business Applications Panels * Demonstrations
Visit: *www.ieee-portable.org/2007 * http://www.ieee-portable.org/2007*for complete *
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf