[Fwd: [Cost290] ACM/SIGMOBILE REALMAN 2006: Call for Papers]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Cost290] ACM/SIGMOBILE REALMAN 2006: Call for Papers Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 13:12:02 +0100 From: Andrea Passarella andrea.passarella@iit.cnr.it To: cost 290 Cost290@cs.tut.fi
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Second International Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from theory to reality REALMAN 2006 http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/realman
Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE in conjunction with MobiHoc 2006
jointly organized by University of Cambridge, UK CNR-Institute for Informatics and Telematics, I
May 26, 2006 Florence, Italy
Ad hoc networking technologies have big potentialities for innovative applications of great impact on our everyday life. To exploit these potentialities, simulation modeling and theoretical analyses have to be complemented by real experiences (e.g., measurements on real prototypes) which provide both a direct evaluation of ad hoc networks and, at the same time, precious information to realistically model these systems.
The need for more experimental activities stimulated a new community of researchers combining theoretical research on ad hoc networking with experiences/measurements obtained by implementing ad hoc network prototypes. The aim of REALMAN is to bring together this community. Following the success of the first edition, this workshop constitutes a unique forum for presenting and discussing measurement studies and experiences based on real ad hoc network test-beds and prototypes.
Original contributions are solicited, related to systems and protocols *development*, *measurement* and *testing*, in all areas related to ad hoc networking. We encourage authors willing to submit a regular paper to also submit a *demo* proposal. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Ad Hoc Networks Applications * System Prototypes and Experiences * Mobile Ad Hoc Networks * Opportunistic and Delay Tolerant Networks * Sensor Networks * Mesh Networks * Vehicular Networks * Protocols Implementation and Testing * Middleware Platforms for Ad Hoc Networks * Ad Hoc Networking for Pervasive Environments * Situated Autonomic Communications * Location Services * Positioning and Tracking Technologies and Services * Measurement Studies * Mobility Models based on Real Data * Enabling Technologies (802.11, 802.15, etc.) * Experiment-based Social and/or Economic Analysis of Mobile Ad hoc Networks
DEMO SESSION A demo session will be held during the workshop, showing real prototypes at work. Demo proposals are highly welcome, and will be evaluated by the Program Committee. An extended abstract (up to three pages) describing the demo will be published in the workshop proceedings. More information on demo-proposal submission can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/realman.
PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Papers must not be already under submission for any other publication. Paper submissions for regular papers must be limited to 8 pages including text, figures, references, and appendices; single- or double-column are fine for submissions. The font size used in the text of your submission must not be smaller than 10 points. Papers significantly exceeding the maximum length of 8 pages will be automatically rejected. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. More information on paper submission instructions can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/realman.
SPECIAL ISSUES Distinguished papers will be invited to submit extended versions to high-quality journal. In this regard, we will take into particular consideration papers for which a demo will be accepted for presentation during the workshop.
IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission 15 February 2006 Demo Submission 10 March 2006 Notification 27 March 2006 Camera-ready due 10 April 2006
General Chair Marco Conti IIT-CNR, Italy marco.conti@iit.cnr.it
Program Chair Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge, UK jon.crowcroft@cl.cam.ac.uk
Program Vice Chair Andrea Passarella IIT-CNR, Italy University of Cambridge, UK andrea.passarella@iit.cnr.it
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE I. Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA K. Almeroth, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA G. Anastasi, University of Pisa, Italy E. Biagioni, University of Hawaii, USA L. Bononi, University of Bologna, Italy E. Borgia, IIT-CNR, Italy C.F. Chiasserini, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy S.K. Das, University of Texas at Arlington, USA S.R. Das, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA C. Diot, Thomson Research, F S. Fdida, University Pierre et Marie Curie, F E. Fleury, INSA Lyon, F M. Gerla, UCLA, USA S. Giordano, SUPSI, CH P. Gunningberg, Uppsala University, Sweden T. Henderson, Dartmouth College, USA H. Karl, Paderborn University, Germany D. Katabi, MIT, USA E. Knightly, Rice University, USA S.J. Lee, HP Labs, USA C. Mascolo, University College London, UK M. Mauve, Duesseldorf HH University, Germany P. Michiardi, EURECOM, F G. Morabito, University of Catania, Italy J. Ott, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland D. Papagiannaki, Intel Research, UK C. Petrioli, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy G. Polyzos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece D. Remondo, University Polytechnic of Catalonia, Spain K. Roemer, ETH Zurich, CH C. Rohner, Uppsala University, Sweden J. Scott, Intel Research, UK F. Sestini, European Commission V.A. Siris, FORTH-ICS and Crete University, Greece M. Srivastava, University of California at Los Angeles, USA I. Stojmenovic, Ottawa University, Canada N. Vaidya, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA W. Wang, North Carolina State University, USA X. Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA A. Wolisz, Techical University of Berlin, Germany
participants (1)
Lars Wolf