Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [IEEE SECON 2022] CFP - Deadline EXTENDED - Abstract May 9, Submission16 May, 2022

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [IEEE SECON 2022] CFP - Deadline EXTENDED - Abstract May 9, Submission16 May, 2022 Datum: Wed, 4 May 2022 13:50:57 +0800 Von: Xiaolong Zheng zhengxiaolong.zxl@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Xiaolong Zheng zhengxiaolong.zxl@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
[Deadline Extended] [Call for Papers]
================================================================= The 19th annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON) 20-23 September 2022 // Virtual Conference https://secon2022.ieee-secon.org/ =================================================================
*** Important dates (extended) ***
Abstract Registration: 9 May 2022 (extended) Paper Submission: 16 May 2022 (extended) Acceptance Notification: 15 July 2022
***Call for Papers***
The 19th annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON) will provide a unique forum to exchange innovative research ideas, recent results, and share experiences among researchers and practitioners in wireless and mobile communication networks. The conference aims to serve as the reference exhibit for state-of-the-art research supported by implementation and insights gained on all scales of experimental systems, network architectures, components, and protocols.
Looking beyond current sensing, communication, and networking paradigms, IEEE SECON continues to emphasize pioneering cross-disciplinary work as its signature footprint in the contemporary research landscape. Towards that end, SECON encourages work that falls at the intersection of traditional sensing/networking and new disciplinary areas including (but not limited to) machine intelligence, data analytics, edge computing, social networks, rural connectivity, electromagnetic fields, to name a few, encompassing topics ranging from biological communication and computing networks to uncharted wireless bands, edge intelligence, social media data exploitation, mobile data analysis and beyond 5G networking/communications aspects. Papers describing original, previously unpublished research, experimental efforts, practical experiences, as well as visionary roadmaps, in all aspects of sensor networks, Internet of Things, mobile devices, and wireless communication are solicited. Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- New communication paradigms, such as Terahertz communications, optical Wireless communications, visible light communication, acoustic communication, and uncharted wireless bands, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces - New platforms, techniques, and hardware designs for sensing - Cellular communications and data networks, including 5G and beyond - Internet of Things, Nano-Things and Bio-Nano-Things; Cyber-Physical systems - Software defined and programmable networks - Intra-body networks and molecular communication networks - Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based sensing/communications/networking - Low-power and energy limited sensing and communications - Communication and networking for AI and machine learning - Data analytics, AI, and machine learning for sensing, communication, and networking - Sensing, communication, and networking in challenging scenarios (e.g., underground, underwater, rural and low-income areas, COVID-19 pandemic, space) - Time and location management in networking systems - Sensing and networking of social systems - Fairness and Socio-technical issues in networking - Security, privacy, and trustworthiness of mobile, wireless and sensor systems - Cloud, Edge, and Fog computing for sensing and inference - Novel experimental testbeds for sensing and networking systems - Measurement of sensing and networking systems - Sensing and Networking for Smart & Connected Communities - Deployment experiences in sensing, communication, and networking - Next generation applications such as wearable computing, virtual/augmented reality, autonomous driving, industrial internet, and smart cities, agriculture, industry, energy, transportation, water, and other smart infrastructural systems
*** Selected accepted papers will be fast-tracked to ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) for publication.
Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor be currently under review at another venue. All papers for IEEE SECON 2022 must be submitted via the conference submission page. Each submission must be no longer than 9 pages and in font size no smaller than 10 points. Submissions that violate the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.
All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. As an author, you are required to preserve the anonymity of your submission, while at the same time allowing the reader to fully grasp the context of related past work, including your own. Common sense and careful writing will go a long way towards preserving anonymity. Papers that do not conform to our double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.
Submitted papers should be written in the English language, with a maximum length limit of 9 printed pages, including all the figures, references, and appendices. Papers longer than 9 pages will not be reviewed.
Submit your papers via EDAS at: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=29537&track=111501
Detailed submission instructions can be found here: https://secon2022.ieee-secon.org/authors/call-for-papers/
***Organizing Committee***
General Chair Viktoria Fodor (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Technical Program Co-Chairs Yuan He (Tsinghua University, China) Simone Silvestri (University of Kentucky, USA) Ilenia Tinnirello (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy)
Steering Committee Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome La Sapienza) Chair Fred Bauer (Cisco) Tommaso Melodia (Northeastern University) Gian Pietro Picco (University of Trento) Jack Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Best regards, Marco Chiesa, Vijay Shah, and Xiaolong Zheng IEEE SECON 2022 Publicity Chairs
participants (1)
Lars Wolf