[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: 4th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2007)]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: 4th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2007) Datum: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 17:46:55 +0200 Von: Sven Hessler sven.hessler@uibk.ac.at Organisation: Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck, Austria An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
CALL FOR PAPERS - WONS 2007 The Fourth International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services
January 24-26, 2007. Obergurgl (Innsbruck), AUSTRIA http://wons07.uibk.ac.at -------------------------------------------------------------------
Scope of the conference ----------------------- The world of wireless networks in the last few years has definitely turned its attention and focus more on "lightweight" networks, cheap and easily deployed, rather than the traditional, infrastructured cellular networks. The aim is providing ubiquitous connectivity and network centric services, with the important attribute of service provisioning "on demand" with minimal planning and management effort as well as with little dependency on existing network infrastructures. Even in the cellular network world, providers often point out their capacity to offer ad-hoc services that are tailored for a specific event or community, e.g. gaming on cellular networks. On the other extreme, peer2peer systems can provide innovative communication services to a community on ad-hoc networks, requiring almost no infrastructure.
Ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing are also part of this broad vision of "on demand" networking, providing services to users when they need it, albeit the final user might not even be aware if it!
WONS is now at its fourth edition, and the community interest is still on the rise, providing a premier forum for high quality papers presentation and lively discussion.
For this conference we request submissions of high quality research papers on "wireless on demand networks" that provide novel insights on protocol and network design, modeling and performance evaluation, pricing and profitability models, QoS models, practical implementations, service level aspects and Internet integration of wireless networks.
Topics related to wireless ad hoc networks and sensor networks comprise, but are not limited to: * Architecture and Design * Analysis through simulation and experimental evaluation * Modeling * Internet integration * Social and economic aspects * Pervasive / ubiquitous computing * Localization and mobility management * Security * Energy-efficient protocols and power management * Applications and Service Support * Data dissemination and peer2peer systems
Manuscript submissions ---------------------- Submitted papers must not have been published elsewhere nor currently be under review by another conference or journal.
Authors are invited to submit full papers (8 pages) and short papers (4 pages). Short papers should address future research directions, ongoing work, and visionary, innovative ideas.
All papers should be submitted electronically as PDF, according to the IEEE publisher format. The papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE.
For more information, please see the conference site: http://wons07.uibk.ac.at
Schedule -------- Paper submission deadline: September 1, 2006 Feedback to authors: October 30, 2006 Final manuscripts to publisher: November 20, 2006 (tentative) Conference: January, 24-26, 2007
Keynote speaker --------------- Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA : Vehicle communications and impact on Internet Infrastructure Research
Organization - Executive Committee ---------------------------------- General Chair Renato Lo Cigno, University of Trento, Italy
Program Committee Chairs Ernst Biersack, EURECOM, France Michael Welzl, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Local Organization Chair Sven Hessler, University of Innsbruck, Austria Michael Welzl, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Sponsorship Chair Fabio Ricciato, ftw. Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria
Program Committee Members Kevin Almeroth, UCSB, USA Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland Carla-Fabiana, Chiasserini Politecnico di Torino, Italy Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University, Korea Marco Conti, CNR-IIT, Italy Christophe Diot, Thomson Research, France Andrzej Duda, LSR-IMAG Laboratory, France Paal Engelstad, Telenor Research, Norway Silvia Giordano, SUPSI of Lugano, Switzerland Edward W. Knightly, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA Pietro Michiardi, Institut Eurecom, France Giacomo Morabito, University of Catania, Italy Maria Papadopouli, UNC, USA Dina Papagiannaki, Intel Research Cambridge, UK Fabio Ricciato, ftw. Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria Michele Rossi, University of Padova, Italy Kave Salamatian, LIP 6, France Ioannis Stavrakakis, University of Athens, Greece Maarten van Steen, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Kurt Tutschku, University of Wuerzburg, Germany Joerg Widmer, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Munich, Germany Carey Williamson, University of Calgary, Canada Martina Zitterbart, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
WONS Steering Roberto Battiti, University of Trento, Italy
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf