[Fwd: [ITST 2006] ITST 2007 Call For Papers: Paper Submission Deadline Extension]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ITST 2006] ITST 2007 Call For Papers: Paper Submission Deadline Extension Datum: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 13:24:29 +0100 Von: LinLan lan.lin@Hitachi-eu.com An: LinLan lan.lin@Hitachi-eu.com
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======================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS -- ITST 2007 6th - 8th June 2007 C.I.C.A Center, Sophia Antipolis, France ========================================================
========================================================= EXTENDED ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE 28 th Feb. 2007 ======================================================== The 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications ( ITST 2007)
The 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications will be held during June 6th – 8th, 2007 on the French Riviera (Côte d’Azur), South-East of France. After Chengdu in China, the conference is returning to France, where the 2005 edition took place in Brest.
Aims and scope : ------------------------- The event and its topics are attracting more and more players, academic and industrial, working on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The theme of this year’s event is “ideas, visions, applications and engineering connected to ITS issues”, due to the decreasing gap between fundamental research and industrial implementations. Works accepted for presentations and poster sessions of ITST 2007 will be balanced from the academic, industrial and research community around the world. There will be contributed and invited papers. Technical exhibitions and demonstrations will be held at a dedicated site and technical visits will also be proposed. We have also invited recognized experts from the ITS community as keynote speakers and presenters to enrich the participation.
AREAS OF INTERESTS INCLUDE. BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ITS applications/services (terrestrial, maritime, railway, air, multi-modal, logistics, etc) * - Naming/addressing, in particular the IPv6 addressing scheme, to be used for mobiles - Risk management for safety services (system dependability, reliability, security). - IP routing, geo-routing, broadcasting for Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) * - Protocol conformance testing, interoperability testing and quality assessment. - In-Vehicle, Inter-Vehicle and Infrastructure to Vehicle Communications * - Testing, verification and diagnosis of ITS components and systems - Multimedia broadcasting technologies (TPEG, DVB, WiMax, etc) - Modeling and simulation of cooperative systems. - ITS Architecture, Interoperability and Standards - Vehicular Radio Transmission Technologies - On Board Equipment, Embedded Electronics - Policy, Social and Institutional ITS issues - Mobile IP and Network Mobility in IPv6 - Sensing Technologies: Radars, Lidars - (Smart) Antennas and Propagation - Medium Access Control Schemes - Device and Circuit Technologies - Software Defined Radio for ITS - Multiple Interface Management - ITS Sensor Networks * These sessions can be divided into several independent sessions.
PLENARY SESSIONS / SPECIAL SESSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------- - ITS policies and needs over the world - CALM - C2CCC: key initiatives in Road ITS - ITS standardization, regulations, market-trends and globalization - Maritime ITS technologies - GALILEO - Intelligent Mobility on Railway Transports
CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS/DEMONSTRATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Organizing committee invites you to submit proposals for the special sessions and demonstration topics to the conference before the dedicated deadline.
IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------- - 2-pages Extended Abstract deadline: (Extended) 28th February 2007 - Demonstration submission deadline: 02nd March 2007 - Paper or Poster Acceptance notification: 30th March 2007 - Final programs: 13th April 2007 - Early Registration date : 04th May 2007 - Camera-ready submission & presenter registration: 04th May 2007 - Event: 6th – 8th June 2007
GUIDELINES FOR PAPER/POSTER SUBMISSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prospective authors are invited to submit electronically via the EDAS system (http://edas.info) or via conference web site (http://www.itst2007.eurecom.fr) 2-pages-maximum, an extended Abstract of their work in PDF format, including figures. The cover page must include: the title of the paper, authors’ names and affiliations, contact author’s name and address (both postal and electronic), keywords and submission area (from the above list of relevant areas of interest). Detailed instructions for preparing the final papers (6-pages maximum) will be given on the conference web site.
The submission implies that the paper is original and has not been submitted under review or copyright protected elsewhere. Once a paper has been accepted, at least one author must register in order that the paper is included in the conference proceedings.
A CD-ROM of the registered papers will be given only to participants at the conference reception desk. A hard-copy of the Proceedings will be available upon request.
Please note that there will be a student “Best Paper Award” with a certificate and prize.
CONFERENCE WEBSITE: http://www.itst2007.eurecom.fr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONTACT ---------------- For more information, please visit the conference web site or contact the organization: Fax : +33 (0) 4 89 87 41 98 contact@itst2007.eurecom.fr
ORGANIZED BY -------------------------- - NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Japan - Eurecom Institute, France - General Council of Alpes Maritimes, France - YRP (Yokosuka Research Park, R&D Promotion Committee), Japan - TBI (Technopole Brest-Iroise), France
IN ASSOCIATION WITH ----------------------------------- - IEEE France Section (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). - IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan), Japan - IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), UK - SEE (Société de l'Electricité, de l'Electronique, et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication), France. - Team Côte D’azur (Sophia Antipolis), France - Sophia Antipolis Foundation. France
SPONSORS: --------------------- - Hitachi Europe SAS. - ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). - INRETS (The French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research), France.
For more information, please contact directly: ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Ulrich FINGER, General Chair : GChair@itst2007.eurecom.fr - Stéphane AMARGER, Steering Committee : SC@itst2007.eurecom.fr - Christian BONNET, TPC Chair : TPCChair@itst2007.eurecom.fr
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf