[Fwd: MOBIMEDIA 2010 - Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: MOBIMEDIA 2010 - Call for Papers Datum: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 13:13:24 +0100 Von: Maria Morozova maria.morozova@icst.org Organisation: ICST An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
6th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference * 6-8 September May 2010, Lisboa, Portugal*
*SPONSORS* Sponsored by ICST http://www.icst.org Technically co-sponsored by CREATE-NET http://www.create-net.org/
The focus of MOBIMEDIA 2010 is future internet for green and pervasive media.
The promise of a truly pervasive experience is to have the freedom to roam around anywhere and not be bound to a single location, however, the energy required to keep mobile devices connected to the network over extended periods of time quickly dissipates. In fact, energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks since wireless devices are usually powered by batteries.
From the mobile manufacturer’s perspective the energy consumption
problem is critical, not only technically but also taking into account the market expectations from a newly introduced technology. In fact there exists a continuously growing gap between the energy consumption of emerging radio systems and what can be achieved by Battery technology evolution; Scaling and circuit design progress; System level architecture progress; and Thermal and cooling techniques. Without new approaches for energy saving, there is a significant threat that the 4G mobile users will be searching for power outlets rather than network access, and becoming once again bound to a single location.
There is added momentum from the European stage for green radio to globally reduce the electromagnetic radiation levels to have a better coexistence of wireless system (less interference) as well as a reduced human exposure to radiation leading to the so called Green Wireless technologies.
Hence, there is a clear need for disruptive strategies to address all aspects of power efficiency from the user devices through to the core infrastructure of the network and how these devices and equipment interact with each other.
In this framework, Mobimedia will provide an international forum where industry, researchers and academia will be able to interact and exchange experiences, ideas, and research results surrounding all aspects on power saving to envisage a environmentally friendly internet of the future.
*TOPICS* Prospective authors are invited to submit original and unpublished technical papers on the following research topics, but not limited to:
* Cooperative communications * Cognitive radio networks * Software defined radio approaches * Shortr-ange communications * Energy efficient radio resource management and routing * QoE multimedia for Future Internet * P2P multimedia for autonomic wireless infrastructures. * Energy efficient reconfigurable radio transceivers * Network coding * Internet of things * Cross-layer and Cross-System optimization strategies for wireless multimedia * User and device location in next generation networks * Security mechanisms and schemes in cooperative networks * Resource and mobility management in cooperative network * Dynamic resource management and bandwidth assignment for multimedia in heterogeneous wireless networks. * IMS for Multimedia services in next generation networks
For submission guidelines, please visit http://www.mobimedia.org/submission.shtml
*IMPORTANT DATES* Papers due: *23 April 2010* Notification of paper acceptance: *28 May 2010* Submission of camera-ready papers: *25 June 2010*
*ORGANIZING COMMITTEE* *General Chair* Jonathan Rodriguez, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
*Program Committee Co-Chairs* Rahim Tafazolli, University of Surrey, UK Christos Verikoukis, CTTC, Spain
For a complete list of committee and board members, please visit http://www.mobimedia.org/committees.shtml
*** / mailto:unsubscribe@icst.orgPlease, feel free to share the information about the conference and forward this Call for Papers to people that are interested in the topic. We would appreciate your help! Please, do not hesitate to submit your papers in case you have any./
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf