Fwd: CfP Workshop on Self-organising, adaptive, and context-sensitive distributed systems (SACS 2013)
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CfP Workshop on Self-organising, adaptive, and context-sensitive distributed systems (SACS 2013) Datum: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:10:17 +0100 Von: Kurt Geihs geihs@uni-kassel.de An: Kurt Geihs geihs@uni-kassel.de
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Call for Papers
Workshop on Self-organising, adaptive, and context-sensitive distributed systems (SACS 2013) in conjunction with Networked Systems (NetSys) 2013
Stuttgart, Germany, March 11-15, 2013
Scope =====
Ubiquitous computing has been a strong vision of contemporary computer science for the last decade, initially with respect to its potential for innovative services, but then also considering socio-technical implications. From a technical point of view the management of highly complex, heterogeneous and distributed systems still raises many interesting questions. Self-organisation, autonomous behaviour, and adaptation are important concerns, and the numerous theoretical and prototypical approaches to these challenges still have to prove their value in everyday applications.
However, the conception and realisation of these autonomous, adaptive systems cannot be constrained to technical challenges only. How about the usability of such context-aware, adaptive applications outside of the research labs in our real environment? Will they provide new chances for improving life quality in various societal environments? Do we have to put a special focus on societal and also legal implications when these systems are deployed on a broad scale? How do we ensure trust in a complex system that is working outside of our direct influence?
SACS 2013 is the first international edition of the successful, previously national workshop series SAKS that started in 2006. The workshop is intentionally directed at a multidisciplinary audience. It will shed light on the wide field of technical, societal, and legal considerations that need to be part of a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art of information technology research in complex, autonomous systems.
Whereas the preceding SAKS workshops were mainly intended to provide a forum for German national research activities, we expect this workshop to play a significant part in linking together contributors on an international scale. We especially welcome research papers, reports, and discussion contributions from industry.
The workshop program will consist of the presentations of the selected peer reviewed contributions, an invited talk, and a discussion session.
Workshop Topics ===============
The following list specifies the major fields of interest for this workshop; related topics are certainly welcome.
==== Self-organisation and adaptation from a technical view ====
* Construction and evaluation of self-organising systems * Biologically inspired approaches * Architectures and frameworks for autonomous and ubiquitous systems * Self-organisation in service-oriented architectures * Adaptive applications and middleware * Context models and context processing * Collective sensing, collective awareness, collective intelligence * Design methodologies for personalised, context-sensitive services * Integration of users into the development process for autonomous systems * User-centric design, user interfaces, and usage patterns
==== Social and legal implications in a world of adaptive IT ====
* Trust and reliability for adaptive, context sensitive systems * Society-aware design of adaptive, context sensitive systems * Application domain-specific requirements * Responsibility and liability
==== Self-organisation and adaptation as enabling technologies ====
* Industrial requirements and projects * Research prototypes and experience reports * New value chains, new business / service / provider models
Contributions submitted to the workshop will be peer-reviewed and selected according to their quality and suitability for the workshop scope and discussion potential. As we address an international audience, English will be the workshop language.
Workshop Organization =====================
Klaus David, University of Kassel, david@uni-kassel.de Kurt Geihs, University of Kassel, geihs@uni-kassel.de Michael Zapf, G. S. Ohm University of Appl. Sc. Nuremberg, michael.zapf@ohm-hochschule.de
Program Committee =================
Markus Bick (ESCP Europe / Berlin) Volker Boehme-Neßler (HTW Berlin) Georg Borges (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Lars Braubach (Universität Hamburg) Klaus David (University of Kassel) Kurt Geihs (University of Kassel) Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool) Thomas Hoeren (WWU Münster) Reinhold Kröger (Univ. of Applied Sciences RheinMain) Rico Kusber (University of Kassel) Winfried Lamersdorf (Universität Hamburg) Jan-Marco Leimeister (University of Kassel) Gero Mühl (University of Rostock) Christian Müller-Schloer (University of Hannover) Jeremy Pitt (Imperial College London) Andreas Polze (Hasso-Plattner-Institut) Wolfgang Renz (Hamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences) Alexander Roßnagel (Univ. of Kassel) Jan Sudeikat (Hamburg Energie GmbH) Ante Vilenica (Universität Hamburg) Manfred Wojciechowski (Fraunhofer ISST) Franco Zambonelli (Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Michael Zapf (Univ. of Applied Sciences Nuremberg)
Submissions and important dates (*** UPDATE ***) ===============================
Submission deadline: Nov 23, 2012 Submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sacs2013 Notification of authors: Dec 21, 2012 Camera-ready copy: Jan 25, 2013
Publication via ECEASST (http://journal.ub.tu-berlin.de/eceasst/index) Size of contributions: up to 12 pages Paper format: to be added, will comply with common ECEASST format.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf