[Fwd: [Tccc] DRCN 2009: deadline two weeks away!]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] DRCN 2009: deadline two weeks away! Datum: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 18:27:48 -0500 Von: Medhi, Deep DMedhi@umkc.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
DRCN 2009 - 7TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DESIGN OF RELIABLE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS October 25-28, 2009 - Washington, D.C., USA www.drcn2009.org Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Communication Society
Call for Papers
DRCN is a well established biennial forum for scientists, engineers, designers and planners from industry and academia who have interests in reliability and availability of communication networks, end systems and related topics. From equipment and technology for survivability to network management and public policy, through theory and techniques for survivable and robust network and application design, the aim of the conference is to bring together people from those disciplines in a lively forum. We hope you will join us in Washington, D.C., USA during October 25-28, 2009. SCOPE
We seek papers that address theoretical, experimental, systems-related and regulatory issues in the area of dependability and survivability of communication networks, end-systems and infrastructure. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Methodologies, equipment and technology for wired/wireless network survivability * Basic methods and theory for survivable network and systems design, modeling and operation * Multi-Layer and differentiation protection * Fault management, monitoring and control * Security issues in network reliability and its interdependence to survivability * Applications and services oriented survivability techniques (e.g., P2P, multicast) * Restoration of services under different types of failures * Public policy issues for survivability and resilience * Reliability to emerging technologies (e.g., data center, SCADA and process control systems) * Survivable network management and/or network planning * Network resiliency to software attacks
* Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor currently under review by another conference or journal. * Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by IEEE. * All papers must be submitted via the EDAS system at http://edas.info/7305. * Please prepare and submit the manuscript in PDF format using IEEE Conference Proceeding templates. * Pagelength is limited to 8-pages in two-column IEEE format. * At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.
Proposals for Tutorials are also being solicited. Tutorials (half-day sessions) are intended to provide in-depth learning on a specific topic of interest to the participants. Proposals for Tutorials should consist of 1000 words summary, a 150 word abstract, and a cover page listing the details of the presenter(s). Please use the EDAS directly to submit proposals for tutorials, before May 15, 2009.
* April 17, 2009 Full paper submission * May 15, 2009 Tutorial proposals due * June 15, 2009 Notification of acceptance
Organizing Committee
David Tipper, General Chair, University of Pittsburgh, USA John Doucette, TPC Co-Chairs, University of Alberta & TRLabs, Canada Deep Medhi, TPC Co-Chairs, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA Yi Qian, Tutorial Chair, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA Yu Liu, Web Chair, Juniper Networks, USA Debbie Day, Finance Chair, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Technical Program Committee
Achim Autenrieth, Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France Taesang Choi, Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korean Roberto Clemente, Telecom Italia, Italy Didier Colle, Ghent University, Belgium Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, State University of Campinas, Brazil Yuanshun Dai, University of Tennessee, USA Joerg Eberspaecher, Munich University of Technology, Germany Andrea Fumagalli, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Andre Girard, INRS-EMT and GERAD, Canada Xuewen Gong, Huawei Technologies, China Mohan Gurusamy, National University of Singapore, Singapore Bjarne Helvik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Meir Herzberg, ECI Telecom, Israel Pin-Han Ho, University of Waterloo, Canada Raj Jain, Washington University in St. Louis, USA Brigitte Jaumard, Concordia University, Canada Dave Johnson, British Telecom, UK Jean-Francois Labourdette, Verizon, USA Lorne Mason, McGill University, Canada Geraldo Robson Mateus, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Muriel Medard, MIT, USA Eytan Modiano, MIT, USA Adam Ouorou, Orange Labs, France Achille Pattavina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Mario Pickavet, Ghent University, Belgium Michael Pioro, Warsaw University, Poland S. Raghavan, University of Maryland, USA George Rouskas, North Carolina State University, USA Jason Rupe, Qwest, USA Iraj Saniee, Bell Labs Alcatel-Lucent, USA Brunilde Sansò , École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada Dominic Schupke, Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany Sudipta Sengupta, Microsoft Research, USA Krishna Sivalingam, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA Arun Somani, Iowa State University, USA Shekhar Srivastava, Huawei Technologies, USA James Sterbenz, University of Kansas, USA Suresh Subramaniam, George Washington University, USA Kishor Trivedi, Duke University, USA Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Cisco Systems, USA Jonathan Weston-Dawkes, Mitre, USA Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Jing Wu, Communications Research Center, Canada
Steering Committee
Piet Demeester, Chair, Ghent University - IBBT - IMEC, Belgium Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France Tibor Cinkler, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Roberto Clemente, Telecom Italia Lab, Italy Joerg Eberspaecher, Technische Universität München, Germany Andreas Gladisch, T-Systems International, Germany Wayne D. Grover, TRLabs, University of Alberta, Canada David Tipper, University of Pittsburgh, USA
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf