[Fwd: Call for International Journal Papers,]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for International Journal Papers, Datum: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 16:32:11 +0900 Von: editor@ijcsns.org An: jaap@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
Call for Papers, Prospective authors are invited to submit journal papers relevant to the following special issues.
Topics: : (1) Computer Science (2) Communication Network (3) Information Security.
Papers must be received by the IJCSNS Editorial Board no later than January 25, 2006. We have an outstanding international Editorial Staffs and have worked hard to produce excellent issues. Your subscription will significantly help us to build a great international IJCSNS publication in January issues.
We hope to publish your paper of you submit up to January 25, 2006. I will try to publish your paper in IJCSNS special issues.
The subscription (MS word) form is attached in www.IJCSNS.org http://www.ijcsns.org/ . Please submit your paper into editor@IJCSNS.org mailto:editor@IJCSNS.org (MS word file-doc). Thank you for your contributions.
Best regards, Editor-in-chief.
participants (1)
Sven Jaap