[Fwd: [Tccc] RAWNET 2008 - Berlin March 31st - Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] RAWNET 2008 - Berlin March 31st - Call for Papers Datum: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:29:32 +0000 Von: Bozidar Radunovic bozidar@microsoft.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit a paper for the 4th Workshop on Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks, RAWNET 2008, to be held March 31st 2007 in exciting Berlin, Germany.
During last three years, RAWNET has managed to attract many renowned researchers both as keynote speakers, TPC members and attendants, and it has become a stimulating venue for fruitful discussions and exchanges of ideas.
For more details on the next and past RAWNET workshops, please see the web site http://www.rawnet.org). RAWNET takes place in conjunction with WiOpt 08, a well established wireless research conference (http://www.wiopt.org), and attracts a significant part of WiOpt crowd in the audience.
Regards, RAWNET'08 Chairs David Gesbert and Bozidar Radunovic
Call for papers:
Welcome to RAWNET'08
Tomorrow's wireless network must be optimized to offer enhanced rate performance, at higher and often heterogenous quality-of-service levels, in user scenarios with ever increasing mobilily. To meet these challenges, system designers can resort to a number of tools and techniques at PHY, MAC or higher layers of the protocol stack. In order to increase the network efficiency (Bit/Sec/Hz per Euro/Dollar) while providing the required QoS, a more efficient utilization of the spectral resource across the network will be required. Smart resource allocation schemes should help provide the customer with a smooth user experience while efficiently tackling interference issues in agressive reuse environment, whether in cellular or adhoc scenarios. Ideally, they should be aware, i.e. jointly designed with lower layer algorithms (multiple antenna systems, spatial division multiple access, OFDMA, multi-cell cooperative coding) and potentialy upper layers as well (transport/routing/application).
Specific topics of interest
This workshop seeks original work within the fields described by (but not limited to) the bullets below:
* User scheduling (single cell /multicell /OFDMA); * Cross-layer design (e.g. combined MIMO - Resource allocation schemes) * Power control and energy-efficient communication; * Resource allocation-based interference mitigation; * Cooperation schemes for interference control, range extension (multicell, multihop cooperation); * Performance evaluation methods for wireless networks; * Game theoretic resource allocation; * Pricing-based, auction-based schemes in ad-hoc/cellular networks; * Fairness vs. performance issues
Submission guidelines
*Paper submission deadline :* November 19, 2007 *Notification of acceptance :* January 21, 2008 *Camera-ready papers due :* February 21, 2008 *Early registration deadline :* March 1, 2008
Paper submissions will be handled electronically via Cocus http://icst.org:8080/cocus/welcome.do. Authors should prepare a PDF or a PostScript version of their full paper. Papers must be no longer than 6 double-column pages, font size not smaller than 11 points, and can be prepared using the standard IEEE format.
The workshop proceedings will be listed in the IEEEXplore and the IEEE digital library.
Technical program commitee : * **Alexandre Proutiere* (Microsoft Research Cambridge) *Atilla Eryilmaz* (Ohio State University) *Daniel Palomar* (UST) *Edmund Yeh* (Yale University) *Eduard Jorswieck* (KTH) *Erik Larsson* (Linkopings) *Jeff Andrews* (University of Texas, Austin) *Michael Honig* (Northwestern University) *Michele Zorzi* (UCSD) *Mikael Johansson* (KTH) *Olivier Dousse* (Deutsche Telekom) *Prasanna Chaporkar* (IIT Bombay) *Randall Berry* (Northwestern University) *Rob Heath* (University of Texas, Austin) *Sem Borst* (Eindhoven University) *Stavros Toumpis* (University of Cyprus ) *Vivek Mhatre* (Bell Labs, Bangalore)
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf