[Fwd: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting (1-September-2005)]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting (1-September-2005) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 21:12:41 -0700 From: Geoff Voelker voelker@CS.UCSD.EDU Reply-To: Geoff Voelker voelker@CS.UCSD.EDU To: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting (1-September-2005) ____________________________________________________________ Contents
1. Announcements EWSN 2006 2005-09-02 http://www.ewsn.org EUROSYS 2006 2005-10-08 http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/conference/EuroSys2006/ NSDI 2006 2005-10-10 http://www.usenix.org/nsdi06/ WWW 2006 2005-11-04 http://www2006.org
(* = new this month)
2. Special Announcements SOSP'05 Registration SOSP'05 Work-in-Progress Session
3. About this list How to subscribe, unsubscribe, and submit requests for announcements.
More information about SIGOPS can be found at the SIGOPS webpage: http://www.acm.org/sigops
To view the HTML version of this page, go to: http://www.acm.org/sigops/announce/current.html ____________________________________________________________ Announcements
EWSN 2006
Title: European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks Deadline: 2005-09-02 Webpage: http://www.ewsn.org Conference: February, 13-15, 2006 Contact: thiemo@sics.se Location: Zurich, Switzerland Synopsis:
EWSN 2006, the European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, is the third of a series of annual meetings focusing on the latest research in the rapidly growing area of wireless sensor networks. EWSN 2006 will be held at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, on February 13-15, 2006. Previous workshops were held in 2004 in Berlin, Germany, and in 2005 in Istanbul, Turkey. ____________________________________________________________ EUROSYS 2006
Title: 1st EuroSys Conference (EUROSYS 2006) Abstract: 2005-10-08 Deadline: 2005-10-15 Webpage: http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/conference/EuroSys2006/ Conference: April 18-21, 2006 Contact: eurosys_conf@cs.kuleuven.be Location: Leuven, Belgium Synopsis:
EuroSys2006 is the first of a series of system conferences located in Europe. It welcomes submissions and attendance from all over the world. It will be held in Leuven, Belgium, April 18-21, 2006. EuroSys aims to bring together researchers from different areas of computer systems, who are otherwise spread over multiple conferences. As a result, we seek papers on all aspects of computer systems. We especially seek papers that cross the divide between areas. Papers should report, where possible, on the design, implementation, analysis, evaluation, and deployment of such systems.
____________________________________________________________ NSDI 2006
Title: 3rd Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '06) Abstract: 2005-10-10 Deadline: 2005-10-17 Webpage: http://www.usenix.org/nsdi06/ Conference: May 8-10, 2006 Contact: nsdi06chairs@usenix.org Location: San Jose, CA, USA Synopsis:
NSDI 2006 focuses on the design principles of large-scale networks and distributed systems. Systems as diverse as scalable Web services, peer-to-peer file sharing, sensor nets, and distributed network measurement share a set of challenges. Our goal is to bring together researchers from across the networking and systems community--including operating systems, distributed systems, and computer networking--to foster cross-disciplinary approaches to our shared research challenges. NSDI seeks a broad variety of work that furthers the knowledge and understanding of the networking and systems community as a whole, continues a significant research dialog, or pushes the architectural boundaries of large-scale network services.
____________________________________________________________ WWW 2006
Title: 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'06) Abstract: 2005-11-04 Deadline: 2005-11-04 Webpage: http://www2006.org Conference: May 22-26, 2006 Contact: chase@cs.duke.edu Location: Edinburgh, Scotland Synopsis:
The WWW conference series is the prime venue for the latest ideas and developments about the Web. WWW2006 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Topics include but are not limited to: Performance, Reliability and Scalability, Pervasive Web and Mobility, Search, Security, and Privacy. Submissions should present original reports of substantive new work. New for WWW2006: We solicit submissions of "position papers" articulating high-level architectural visions, describing challenging future directions, or critiquing current design wisdom.
____________________________________________________________ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
Title: SOSP'05 Registration Summary:
The 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'05) will be held at The Grand Hotel, Brighton, United Kingdom on October 23-26, 2005.
Register now at:
Early registration ends September 23, 2005. Online registration ends October 17, 2005.
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Title: SOSP'05 Work-in-Progress Session Summary:
As in previous years, SOSP 20 will include a "Work in Progress" session. This session is intended to highlight the very latest, not-quite-ready-for-prime-time, research - including new approaches, new results, partial experiences, etc.
Presentations will be selected in advance, based on an extended 1-page abstract describing the main points to be covered in the presentation. The WIP review committee will evaluate submissions according to the following criteria:
* Contains new, interesting work, not previously presented. * Represents early work that is not yet ready for submission to a refereed conference or journal. * Student submissions meeting the above criteria will be explicitly favoured; however, submissions are not limited to just students.
Deadline for WIP submissions (extended abstract): September 22, 2005 Notification of decisions: October 8, 2005
Information on how to submit a WIP can be found by following the link off of the SOSP web page, available at the following URL:
SOSP'05 WIP Review Committee Chair Liuba Shrira ____________________________________________________________
The SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE mailing list is intended to provide a low-volume channel that provides operating systems researchers and practitioners with information about upcoming events or other important announcements. In general, a message containing a group of such announcements will be sent about once per month with the subject line "SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting". On rare occasions, announcements of particular interest or urgency will be sent out with a different subject line, starting with "SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE supplemental posting" (for readers who wish to use mail filtering programs.) Finally, this mailing list is made available for use by publicity chairs of SIGOPS-sponsored conferences and the SIGOPS officers.
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To get more information about manipulating your subscription to this list, go to http://www.acm.org/infodir/services/listserv/doc.html
To contact the owner of the list or to report a problem with the list, email SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE-request@ACM.ORG
To request that an announcement be included in these mailings, go to http://sysnet.ucsd.edu/sigops/acm.html ____________________________________________________________
Geoff Voelker, SIGOPS Information Director
participants (1)
Lars Wolf