[Fwd: ICST - Call for Workshop Proposals - Mobilware 2009]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: ICST - Call for Workshop Proposals - Mobilware 2009 Datum: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:34:07 -0400 Von: info@icstconferences.org Antwort an: info@icst.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
================================================== *** MOBILWARE 2009 CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS *** ==================================================
Home: http://www.mobilware.org/
MOBILWARE 2009 is the second edition of a new conference series on emerging topics and challenges in software systems (operating systems, middleware, and applications) for mobile computing and communications. The conference focuses on the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of such systems. MOBILWARE 2009 will be held in Berlin, Germany, from Apr 28-30, 2009.
The MOBILWARE Program Committee has reserved the day before the conference for a full day of workshops. The objective of these workshops is to provide a forum for researchers to timely disseminate and actively discuss new results related to the scope of MOBILWARE 2009.
The MOBILWARE Program Committee invites researchers from industry and academia to take this opportunity and submit WORKSHOP PROPOSALS on hot topics in mobile and pervasive computing research. In addition to technical themes, we also explicitly solicit topics related to the business and user experience aspects of mobile and pervasive computing systems. All proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the MOBILWARE Program Committee.
IMPORTANT DATES =============== Submission of workshop proposal Dec 01, 2008, 23:59 CET Notification of acceptance Jan 12, 2009 Distribution of accepted workshop CfPs Jan 26, 2009 Workshops Apr 27, 2009 MOBILWARE 2009 conference Apr 28-30, 2009
GUIDELINES FOR PROPOSALS ======================== The MOBILWARE 2009 Program Committee is soliciting workshop proposals on hot topics in mobile and pervasive computing research, in particular related to the CfP of MOBILWARE 2009. We are seeking two types of proposals: (1) proposals on technical areas of research and (2) proposals on research topics related to new business models and user experiences enabled by mobile and pervasive computing systems. We encourage proposals that deal with the practical aspects of business models and user experiences.
We are aiming for a balanced workshop program that avoids overlapping themes and encourage workshop organizers to allocate ample time for discussion.
Workshop proposals should be no longer than 5 pages and should include the following information:
• General information: - Name of the workshop - Names, affiliations, and a short bio of the organizers (we encourage international teams of organizers from different institutions) • A description of the workshop: - Workshop topic - Relevance of the workshop to the conference - Related workshops and how they differ from the proposed workshop - Target audience: who might be interested in the workshop and why - Expected number of participants - Goals and format (oral presentations, posters, discussion groups, etc.) • A draft of the workshop’s call for papers: - A list of specific topics of interest - Important dates (proposed submission deadline: Mon Mar 2, 2009; proposed notification of acceptance: Mon Mar 30, 2009) - URL of site to host the workshop - Preliminary list of the Program Committee with their affiliation - A description of the paper reviewing and selection process - Expected duration of the workshop (half a day or a full day)
SUBMISSION ========== Please email your proposal as a PDF attachment directly to the workshop chair (Cristian Hesselman) at workshops2009@mobilware.org. The deadline for submission of workshop proposals is Dec 1, 2008, 23:59 CET.
RESPONSIBILITIES MOBILWARE 2009 PROGRAM COMMITTEE ================================================= For each accepted workshop, the MOBILWARE 2009 Program Committee will
• Announce the workshop via the MOBILWARE 2009 email distribution list • Publish the workshop’s abstract and CfP on the MOBILWARE 2009 website, including a link to the workshop’s website • Provide a meeting room, audiovisual equipment, coffee breaks, and lunch at the conference venue on the day of the workshop (Apr 27, 2009) • Publish the workshop proceedings as part of the conference proceedings (ICST Lecture Notes)
RESPONSIBILITIES WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS ==================================== The organizers of a workshop are expected to:
• Finalize and disseminate the workshop’s Call for Papers • Set up a website for the workshop • Organize the paper reviewing and selection process and ensure that deadlines are met • Actively run the workshop on Apr 27, 2009
INQUIRIES ========= Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal prior to the submission deadline, then feel free to contact the workshop chair (Cristian Hesselman) at workshops2009@mobilware.org.
Note that accepted workshops might be cancelled if too few attendees register for the workshop.
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf