[Fwd: BodyNets Conference]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: BodyNets Conference Datum: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 06:12:37 -0500 Von: info@icstconferences.org Antwort an: info@icstconferences.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
As a publicity chair of Body Networks conference, I would like to bring the conference CFP to your attention.
Best Regards,
Sinem Coleri Ergen Research Scientist Telecom Italia/ Pirelli WSN Lab, Berkeley
*************** B O D Y N E T S 2 0 0 7 ****************
2nd International Conference on Body Area Networks
11-13 June, 2007, Florence (Italy)
Jointly sponsored by: - Create-Net - ICST - AICT "Networks and Telecommunication systems" Group
In-technical cooperation with: - ACM SIGCHI - The European Association for Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP)
******************* IMPORTANT DEADLINES ********************* -------------------------------------------------------------
Full papers due (to be received by): January 17, 2007
Notification of acceptance: March 12, 2007
Submission of camera-ready papers: April 11, 2007
SCOPE ------------------------------------------------------------- With recent advances in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), their practical applications in general sensing and monitoring are rapidly broadening. Although originally conceived for wide area environment or process monitoring, WSNs are increasingly being used in human computer interaction, brain computer interaction, gaming, and interactive digital arts, as well as in healthcare and patient monitoring. Despite the recent technological developments in sensing, embedded electronics, and sensor networking, several challenging issues need to be addressed. In particular, technological scaling, wireless communication and networking, sensor data processing and presentation are key aspects that need to be investigated in an integrated fashion for enabling visionary applications in the above areas of WSN.
PAPER SUBMISSION ------------------------------------------------------------- The aim of this conference is to bring researchers in WSN to address the following technical and application issues:
Body Area Networks and Human Computer Interaction - Interactive Virtual Reality and Gaming - Entertainment Body Area Networks and Brain Computer Interaction - Invasive BCI - Non-invasive BCI Wireless Communication and Networking Protocols: - �In-body� networks - �Near-body� networks Applications - WSN based Interactive Digital Art - Ambient intelligence - Smart Spaces, Personalization - Healthcare and patient monitoring Server side information processing: - Data querying - Event detection, classification,tracking Middleware Quality of service, security and fault tolerance issues Enabling technologies: - Novel sensors and materials - Transceivers - Microcontrollers - Hardware platform In Network information processing: - Data aggregation and fusion algorithms Tools and test beds Performance evaluation Internetworking with heterogeneous networks
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages, or short papers of up to 2 pages, in ACM conference proceedings format through COCUS (http://cocus.create-net.it). The proceedings will be an ACM Publication and the papers will be listed on the ACM digital library. Please refer to the website for more detailed information.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------------------------ Romano Fantacci (General Chair), University of Florence , Italy David Tacconi (Vice-Chair), Create-Net, Italy Guang-Zhong Yang (TPC chair), Imperial College of London, UK Hsiao-Hwa Chen (TPC chair), NSYSU, Taiwan Prithwish Basu (TPC chair), BBN Technologies, USA Francesco Chiti (Local Arrangement Chair), University of Florence , Italy Jie Li (Publicity Chair), University of Tsukuba, Japan Yang Yang (Publicity Chair), University College of London, UK Sinem Coleri Ergen (Publicity Chair), Pirelli/Telecom Italia WSN Lab,Berkeley, US Giada Mennuti (Sponsorships Chair), University of Florence , Italy Thomas Watteyne (Web Chair), INRIA / France Telecom, France Karen Decker (Financial Chair), ICST, US Zita Rozsa (Conference Coordinator), ICST, Europe
STEERING COMMITTEE -------------------------------------------------------- Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, Univ. Trento, Italy
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf