[Fwd: IEEE ICME 2009: Paper Deadline Extended to 01/15, Workshop CFP]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE ICME 2009: Paper Deadline Extended to 01/15, Workshop CFP Datum: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 12:49:20 -0600 Von: ICME 2009 Publicity icme2009_publicity@cmsworkshops.com An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
======================================================================= IEEE ICME 2009 CALL FOR PAPERS regular/plenary paper submission due: Jan 15, 2009, 23:59 Hawaii time workshop submissions see details below
2009 The 10th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) June 28 - July 3, 2009 Hilton Cancun, Cancun, Mexico http://www.icme09.org =======================================================================
Overview IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo is a major annual international conference with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of multimedia. ICME serves as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, and implementations of multimedia systems, technologies and applications.
ICME is co-sponsored by four IEEE societies, including the Circuits and Systems Society, the Communications Society, the Computer Society, and the Signal Processing Society. The conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, exhibits, special sessions, tutorials, and paper presentations.
Paper submissions Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in IEEE double-column format including authors' names, affiliations, and a short abstract. Only electronic submission will be accepted. Please visit the conference website, www.icme09.org for the instructions to submit papers. Topics covered include but are not limited to: * Audio, image, video processing * Signal processing for media integration * Virtual reality and 3-D imaging * Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction * Multimedia Communications and networking * Multimedia security and content protection * Multimedia databases * Multimedia computing systems and appliances * Multimedia analysis and social media on the Internet * Hardware and software for multimedia systems * Multimedia standards and related issues * Multimedia applications
A number of awards generously sponsored by industry and academic institutions will be presented to the Best Papers / Best Student Papers at the conference.
In addition to the traditional regular 4-page papers, we are soliciting submissions of plenary (8 page) papers. Accepted (top) plenary papers will be given single-track 30 minutes time slots to present their work to the whole conference. If a paper of good quality cannot be placed in the mere few single track presentation slot, it may be accepted as a long paper and presented in a parallel session.
Multimedia is known for its diversity and the broad spectrum it covers. To encourge cross-field collaborative researches, in ICME 2009, we invite our sponsoring technical committees to host workshops to introduce the emerging technology in their respective field. Thanks to the sponsoring technical committees, the following workshops have been confirmed: * Emerging Multimedia Signal Processing Technology Workshop (by IEEE MMSP TC) * Emerging Multimedia Circuits and Systems Technology Workshop (by IEEE MMSA TC) * Emerging Multimedia Communications Workshop (by IEEE MM Communications TC) * Multimedia Technology Workshop (by ACM SIG Multimedia 2009 MM TPC)
Tutorials and Demos Brief tutorial proposals should be submitted by January 31, 2009, to Dr. Deepa Kundur at deepa {at} ece.tamu.edu, and must include title, outline, contact information for the presenter, and a description of the tutorial and material to be distributed to participants.
Proposals for Demonstrations should be submitted to Dr. Hari Sundaram at hari.sundaram {at} asu.edu by January 31, 2009.
Important Dates: Regular Paper / Plenary Paper Submission: Jan 15, 2009, 23:59 Hawaii time Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2009 Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 31, 2009
Accepted Workshops include: Community driven Mobile Multimedia Workshop chairs Carlos Enrique Palau Salvador, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Mika Ylianttila, University of Oulu, Finland Noel Crespi, Intitut TELECOM, France Nazim Agoulmine, University of Evry, France
Internet Multimedia Search and Mining Workshop chairs Xian-Sheng Hua Microsoft Research Asia, China Marcel Worring University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Media Information Analysis for Personal and Social Applications Workshop chairs Alexander Loui, Kodak Research Labs, USA Susanto Rahardja, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Lekha Chaisorn, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Daniel Gatica-Perez, IDIAP Research Institute, Switzerland
Multimedia Aspects in Pervasive Healthcare Workshop chairs B. Prabhakaran, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA Roozbeh Jafari, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Multimedia Research in a Serious Game Context Workshop chairs Iris Wegmann, University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany Arnd Steinmetz, University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany Stefan Göbel, ZGDV Darmstadt, Germany Gearoid O'Suilleabhain, CIT Cork, Ireland
Multimedia Security and Content Protection Workshop chairs Xin Wang, ContentGuard, Inc., USA Li Zhao, Tsinghua University, China Hongxia Jin, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop on Emerging Applications and Many-Core Architecture Workshop chair Yen-Kuang Chen, Intel, USA
Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee chair Anthony Vetro, Mitsubishi Labs, USA
Emerging Multimedia Circuits and Systems Technologies Workshop chair Oscar Au, HKUST, Hong Kong, China Multimedia System and Applications Technical Committee chair Kevin Yang, Natl. Cheng-Kung U., Taiwan
Emerging Technologies on Multimedia Communications and Networking Workshop chairs Zhu Li, HK Polytech U, Hong Kong, China Bin Wei, AT&T Labs, USA Multimedia Communications Technical Committee chair Qian Zhang, HKUST, Hong Kong, China
Advances in Multimedia Computing Technologies Workshop chair TBD ACM Multimedia 2009 General chairs Wen Gao, Peking U, China Yong Rui, Microsoft, China Alan Hanjalic, Deft U. of Technology, Netherlands ACM Multimedia 2009 Program chairs Changsheng Xu, Academy of Sciences, China Eckehard Steinbach, Tech U. of Munich, Germany Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, U. of Ottawwa, Canada Michelle Zhou, IBM Research, China
Organization General Chairs: Ching-Yung Lin, IBM Research, USA Ingemar Cox, U. College London, UK
Technical Program Chairs: Qibin Sun, Hewlett-Packard, China Yong Rui, Microsoft, China
1st IEEE Workshop on Media Information Analysis for Personal and Social Applications (W'MAPS 2009) http://www.icme09.org/workshop/WMAPS09
July 3rd, 2009 Hilton Cancun, Cancun, Mexico in conjunction with 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME)
The proliferation of mobile multimedia devices and social networks has led to an explosion of digital media content being created, resulting in large personal and public multimedia databases in which it has become increasingly difficult to retrieve specific content and browse the large collections. In the absence of manual annotation specifying the content of the media (in the form of captions or tags), most current content management software only allow simple browsing and navigation options; which severely limits the search and other advanced functionality. This is complicated by the available types of media such as images, video, music, speech, text, and graphics, and the relationship and interactions among them. In addition to personal collections located at home PCs and laptops, the wide spread popularity of media and social networking sites such as Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Easyshare Gallery has enabled users to share and browse images and videos. However, due to the huge magnitude and variety of media content, it is increasing difficult for users and consumers to easily navigate, search, compose, and share their content and memories. When we consider the multimedia information available on public web sites, we will be confronting with a big scalability issue with many existing techniques and algorithms. Solutions that address the broad spectrum of personal and social multimedia applications are needed.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a technical forum for researchers from academy and industry to discuss the advances and challenges of information processing, analysis, and retrieval for multimedia applications in personal and social domains. We propose to explore emerging areas of research such as cross-media and cross-domain information analysis and extraction, which will enhance current capability of information management applications and enrich the overall multimedia experience. Another area is to leverage rich metadata and contextual information associated with the media content. These include GPS, date/time, captions/tags, camera settings, face and other biometric information. The advances in user interface technologies incorporating speech and gesture recognition will also play an important role in enabling more user friendly and easy to use multimedia applications in the consumer domain.
We welcome papers that address fundamental research issues in this challenging area, with emphasis on personal and social applications. We also encourage papers to report on system level research related to multimedia and cross-media analysis, processing, and retrieval. A number of invited papers will also be solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cross-media information analysis and extraction - Machine learning algorithms for media information analysis and extraction - Object, feature, and relation extraction from media - Semantic content understanding and recognition - Context-aware analysis of media and cross-media content - High dynamic range image processing and retrieval - Reasoning and cross-domain learning methodologies - Intra- and inter-media representation and ontology for cross media - Multimedia browsing/visualization tools and cross-media query - Metadata analysis for semantic annotations of multimedia content - Semi-automatic and automatic annotation methods for media content - Media information processing, delivery, and management - Synchronization of media objects for cross media analysis - User interface method for media browsing and search - Speech and gesture interface for consumer multimedia applications - System level research for media and cross-media applications
Important Dates (Please note that dual submissions to both the main ICME conference and workshop will not be accepted.) Paper submission deadline: Feb. 14, 2009 Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2009 Final camera-ready paper deadline: March 31, 2009 Workshop date: Friday, July 3, 2009
Alexander Loui and Susanto Rahardja Workshop Co-Chairs Lekha Chaisorn and Daniel Gatica-Perez Technical Program Co-Chairs
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf