Fwd: [Tccc] EWSN 2014 Call for Papers: submission deadline September 9, 2013

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] EWSN 2014 Call for Papers: submission deadline September 9, 2013 Datum: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 14:27:25 -0400 (EDT) Von: Wendi Heinzelman wendi.heinzelman@rochester.edu Antwort an: Wendi Heinzelman wendi.heinzelman@rochester.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu Kopie (CC): Wendi Heinzelman wheinzel@ece.rochester.edu
EWSN '14 The 11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
February 17-19, 2014 University of Oxford, Oxford, UK http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/ewsn14/
As the field of wireless sensor networks matures, new design concepts, experimental and theoretical findings, and applications have continued to emerge at a rapid pace. Being one of the leading international conferences in this area, the European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) has played a substantial role in the dissemination of innovative ideas from researchers all over the globe. For EWSN 2014, the eleventh meeting in this series, we invite papers describing original, previously unpublished research results pertaining to wireless sensor networks, as is broadly conceived.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Communication and network protocols * Information and signal processing * Localization and tracking * Sensor network applications and novel uses of sensor data, including healthcare, body area networks and smart buildings * Internet of things and cooperating objects * Cognitive sensor networks * Mobile sensing * Participatory sensing * Operating systems and resource management * Sensor network middleware * Security and fault tolerance * Programming abstractions and tools * Software engineering for wireless sensor networks * Hardware design and implementation * Prototypes, testbeds, field experiments
This highly selective conference will only accept for review original papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review by any other conference or journal. We will adopt a double-blind review process, where the names of authors and their affiliations are unknown to reviewers until the end of the review process and are not mentioned in the paper.
Papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS at http://edas.info .
Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format and are not to exceed 16 pages, including text, figures and references. We require that submissions conform to the LNCS style ( http://www.springer.com/lncs ), as the proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Paper registration and abstract submission: September 2, 2013 (Monday) Full paper due: September 9, 2013 (Monday) Author notification: November 19, 2013 (Tuesday) Camera ready paper due: November 26, 2013 (Tuesday)
GENERAL CHAIR Niki Trigoni (University of Oxford, UK)
PROGRAM CHAIRS Bhaskar Krishnamachari (University of Southern California, USA) Amy Murphy (Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy)
LOCAL ORGANIZATION Andrew Markham (University of Oxford, UK)
DEMO / POSTER CHAIRS Alberto Cerpa (University of California, Merced, USA) Marco Zuniga (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
PUBLICITY CHAIRS Wendi Heinzelman (University of Rochester, USA) Utz Roedig (Lancaster University, UK) Julie McCann (Imperial College London, UK)
WEBMASTER Andrew Symington (University of Oxford, UK) _______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf