Fwd: [Mitglieder-info] Call for Contributions: Capacity Sharing Workshop 2011

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Mitglieder-info] Call for Contributions: Capacity Sharing Workshop 2011 Datum: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 09:11:57 +0000 Von: Dirk Kutscher Dirk.Kutscher@neclab.eu An: mitglieder-info@kuvs.de mitglieder-info@kuvs.de
Liebe KuVS-Mitglieder,
anbei noch einmal der Call for Contributions fuer unseren Capacity-Sharing-Workshop im Oktober zur Erinnerung.
Viele Gruesse,
Dirk Kutscher
-- Dr. Dirk Kutscher NEC Laboratories Europe Kurfuerstenanlage 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany email: dirk.kutscher@neclab.eu Tel. +49 6221 4342 203 Fax. +49 6221 4342 155
NEC Europe Limited | Registered Office: NEC House, 1 Victoria Road, London W3 6BL | Registered in England 2832014
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this.]
Call for Contributions ----------------------
NEC Laboratories Europe and the Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering (IKR) of the University of Stuttgart invite you to a one-day workshop on the topic
Capacity Sharing ----------------
With the increasing amount of IP traffic in fixed and mobile access networks, the question how to share the available resources in a fair, efficient and demand-oriented way becomes more and more prevalent. With the variety of services one can find in today's Internet, the requirements in rate, data volume and latency differ strongly. To maximize resource utilization and, at the same time, provide satisfying performance to all users, application layer knowledge is needed. As different resource allocation and adaptation mechanisms already exist in MAC, transport and application layer, an integral consideration of the problem space is required.
In wireless networks, the problem is particularly relevant due to the inherently limited resources, which render a simple "throwing bandwidth at the problem" solution impossible. Because large over-provisioning factors are economically unfeasibly, similar questions on capacity sharing also arise in fixed access networks, such as high bandwidth passive optical networks or cable networks.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together stakeholders of mobile and fixed access networks, the classic Internet world and of the application and transport community. We solicit presentations on the state-of-the-art, results of ongoing research, open issues, trends and new ideas. We are especially looking forward to (possibly provocative) visionary presentations to foster a lively discussion about how to face the upcoming challenges in the future mobile Internet. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to
* Application-layer adaption for mobile services
* Transport layer solutions and possible interactions with cellular/fixed access networks
* Context-aware resource allocation & cross-layer adaptation
* QoE and fairness definitions, metrics and evaluation
* Data traffic characteristics in fixed and mobile Internet
* Economic aspects on capacity sharing and business models
* Similarities and differences of capacity sharing in mobile and fixed access networks
* Related standardization activities and projects
Submission Information ----------------------
Please inform the workshop organizers by email to CapacitySharingWS@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de about title and abstract (max. 1 page) of your planned presentation. The number of slots is limited.
Important Dates ---------------
Deadline for contributions is July 15, 2011.
Registration to the workshop is open until September 15, 2011.
The workshop takes place in Stuttgart on Thursday, October 13, 2011.
Further Information -------------------
For further information, please check our website or send a mail to the workshop organizers:
http://www.ikr.uni-stuttgart.de/CapacitySharingWS/ CapacitySharingWS@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de
Dirk Kutscher (NEC), Mirja Kühlewind (IKR), Christian Mueller (IKR)
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf