[Fwd: VTCSpring-2009 Call for Papers ( One week for the deadline !!!)]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: VTCSpring-2009 Call for Papers ( One week for the deadline !!!) Datum: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 11:32:07 +0200 Von: Ferran Casadevall ferranc@tsc.upc.edu An: vtc09-spring@tsc.upc.edu
Dear colleague
In one week the paper submission for 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference will be close. Please consider the possibility to submit your research results to this important event.
Looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona next April!
Dr. Fernando Casadevall Patronage & Publicity co-chair VTCSpring-2009
69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2009 (IEEE VTCSpring-2009)
26-29 April 2009, Barcelona, Spain
---------------------------------------------------------------------------T he 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference will be held 26-29 April 2009 in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Barcelona, Spain. The conference will bring together individuals from academia, industry, and, government to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of mobile, wireless and vehicular technology. The conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, panel sessions, tutorials, and technical as well as application sessions.
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a 5-page full paper or a 2-page extended abstract including results through the conference web site.
Important Dates for regular papers ---------------------------------- PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15 SEPTEMBER 2008
Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2008
Final paper submission deadline: 23 January 2009
participants (1)
Lars Wolf