Fwd: IEEE PIMRC 2013 Sept 8-11 London: Submit by April 1st

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE PIMRC 2013 Sept 8-11 London: Submit by April 1st Datum: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 22:54:43 -0500 Von: IEEE ComSoc Meetings noreply@comsoc.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
*PIMRC 2013, 8-11 September, London, UK * *www.ieee-pimrc.org/ http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=22806854&m=2500772&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=13095881&s=http://www.ieee-pimrc.org/*
The annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) is one of the premier conferences in the wireless research arena and has a long history of bringing together academia, industry and regulatory bodies. Today, it has become one of the IEEE Communication Society’s flagship conferences in wireless networking. After a long absence from the UK, this important wireless event will be returning to London in 2013. PIMRC 2013 will include technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, and technology and business panels. You are invited to submit papers, and proposals for panels, tutorials, and workshops, in all areas of wireless communications, networks, services, and applications. The instructions for authors will be posted on the conference website.
*Paper submission deadline: **1 April 2013*** *Notification of acceptance: **10 June 2013*** *Final papers due: **8 July 2013*** *Tutorial proposals: **6 May 2013*** *Workshop proposals: **4 March 2013*** *Panel proposals: **6 May 2013***
*Executive Chair** **Hamid Aghvami *(King’s College London) *General Chairs*** *Siavash Alamouti *(Vodafone), *Mike Short *(Telefonica O2), *Michael Walker *(King’s College London) * * *Technical Programme Chairs** **Luis M. Correia* (IST – Tech. University of Lisbon / INOV), *Rahim Tafazolli* (University of Surrey)
*Track 1: Fundamentals and PHY* •Advanced modulation schemes •Antennas •Beamforming •Channel capacity estimation •Channel equalisation •Channel modelling •Channel simulation •Cognitive and green radio •Cooperative communications •Interference mitigation •Multi-antenna signal processing •PHY aspects of WLAN, WPAN, and WBAN •PHY performance evaluation •Physical layer network coding •Physical layer security •Positioning, localisation, and tracking techniques •Power efficient communications •Propagation •Signal processing for wireless communications •Single and multi-user MIMO •Source and channel coding •Synchronisation techniques •Vehicular communications •Ultra-wideband communications
*Track 2: MAC and Cross-Layer Design*** •Adaptive MACs •Cognitive MACs •Cross-layer designs involving MAC •Delay tolerant MAC designs •Docitive MACs •Implementation, testbeds and prototypes •Information-theoretical approaches to MAC designs •Joint access and backhaul scheduler designs •Joint MAC and networking layer designs •MAC for low power embedded networks •MAC for mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks •QoS/QoE-enabling MAC in 4G and future mobile networks •Radio resource management, allocation, and scheduling •Reconfigurable MACs •Scheduler for cellular macro-, pico- and femto systems •Scheduler for cooperative systems •Scheduler for relay systems •Security issues in MAC designs •Time-critical MAC designs
*Track 3: Mobile and Wireless Networks*** •Ad hoc networks •Body area networks •Cognitive radio networks •Congestion, load and admission control •Cooperative communications •Delay tolerant networks •Dynamic spectrum management •Future wireless Internet •Green wireless networks •Local dependent networks •Location management •Mobile and wireless IP •Mobile computing •Multi-hop networks •Network architectures •Routing, QoS and scheduling •Satellite communications •Self-organising networks •Smart cities •Smart grids •Transport layer •Vehicular networks •Wireless multicasting, broadcasting, and geocasting •Wireless sensor networks
*Track 4: Services, Applications and Business*** •Audio and video broadcast applications •Authentication, authorisation and accounting •Context and location-awareness in pervasive systems •Cyber-physical system / real-world Internet •Emerging wireless/mobile applications •In-/intra-car communications •Mobile multimedia services •Link data and networked knowledge •Next generation digital home networks •P2P services for multimedia •Personalisation, profiles and profiling •Secure network and service access •Self-adaptation on the service layer •Semantic technologies •Service discovery •Service oriented architectures and cloud computing •Service portability •User interfaces, user-machine interactions •Wireless emergency and security systems •Wireless robotics
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor , 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016
participants (1)
Lars Wolf