ICST - Call for papers MODENETs 2008 - EXTENDED DEADLINE
MODENETs 2008 First International Workshop on MOdelling and DEsign of wireless mesh NETworks
In conjunction with Valuetools 2008
October 24, 2008, Athens, Greece
In technical cooperation with ACM
OVERVIEW: The aim of MODENETs 2008 is to bring together practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry in order to have a forum for discussion and technical presentations on the recent advances in analytical and simulation tools and techniques for performance evaluation and modeling of wireless mesh/multi-hop relay networking technologies.
TOPICS: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Simulations techniques and tools for large scale wireless networks * Queuing and scheduling theory applied to WMNs * Traffic analysis and modeling of existing and future WMNs * Network measurement techniques * Modeling of wireless ad-hoc, mesh and sensor networks
PAPER SUBMISSION: Please visit the conference website (http://www.modenets.org) for detailed instructions.
PAPER PUBLICATION: All submitted papers will go through a peer review process. All accepted papers will be be included in the Proceedings of MODENETs 2008 and published in the ACM digital library.
IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission due June 22, 2008 Notification of acceptance July 27, 2008 Final manuscript due August 31, 2008
GENERAL CO-CHAIR: Yuanzhu Peter Chen (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Roberto Riggio (CREATE-NET) Sebastian Max (RWTH Aachen University)
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: See http://www.modenets.org
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