[cfp] [Tccc] CFP: IEEE UBIROADS Workshop - 26 June 2009 - Hammamet, Tunisia, colocated with GIIS 2009

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--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UBIROADS 2009 =========== 2st IEEE International Workshop on ITS for an Ubiquitous ROADS http://www.ieee-giis.org/Workshops/ubiroads2009
June 26, 2009, Hammamet, Tunisia
co-located with IEEE GIIS 2009 http://www.ieee-giis.org/
UBIROADS 2009 workshop Overview
The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) program is a universal initiative whose objective is to add information and communication technology to transport infrastructure and vehicles. It aims to manage different factors in order to improve safety and comfort to drivers/passengers, and reduce transportation times and fuel costs. With the advances in wireless communications technology and positioning systems many applications could become a reality.
ITS topics are attracting more and more academic and industrial players. The goal of UBIROADS'2009 is to offer a unique forum to bring together researchers and professionals from academia, government and industry to share and discuss ideas, visions, applications and new results related to ITS issues.
Relevant topics ---------------- Topics of interest for this workshop include but are not limited to the following: 1. Wireless transmission: physical layer, RF level technologies for ITS communications, radio resource management, media access control and QoS support in ITS, antenna technologies for ITS communications.
2. Integration: embedded systems for ITS, system architectures, network architectures, cross-layer designs in ITS communications, real-time issues, sensors for ITS.
3. Networking: vehicle-to-vehicle V2V communications, vehicle-to-infrastructure V2I communications, Vehicle-to-Person (V2P) communications, algorithms and protocols for ITS and VANET, Internet access.
4. Simulation/emulation: models of traffic, scenarios and models of simulations for the road, emulation tools for ITS.
5. Experimentations: experimental platforms and testbeds for ITS, demonstrations, projects reviews, work-in-progress reports.
6. Security: authentication issues, PKI, distributed key management in VANET, confidence in VANET.
7. Applications: business models, active safety applications, passenger-oriented applications, new services for VANET, Advanced and Distributed Driver Assistance Systems, impact on road safety.
Submission Instructions ------------------------ Authors are encouraged to submit original contributions (maximum 6 pages, IEEE two-column conference style) in English and in a PDF format.
Paper submissions for the workshop should follow the submission guidelines for regular IEEE papers, and be submitted electronically before submission deadline, via JEMS under the GIIS 2009 symposium "IPTV Workshop" track.
Instructions and guidelines are available in GIIS 2009 Web site (http://www.ieee-giis.org/). Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process and accepted papers will be published in the special section of the IEEE GIIS 2009 conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore.
For all questions about the workshop, please contact the Workshop Chairs : (djamel.khadraoui@tudor.lu).
Important dates ---------------- Submission Deadline: May 7, 2009 Notification of acceptance: May 21, 2009 Final paper due: June 7, 2009
Workshop Chairs --------------- - Djamel KHADRAOUI, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg - Timo SUKUVAARA, FMI, Finland
TPC members --------------- Sidi-Mohammed SENOUCI sidimohammed.senouci@orange-ftgroup.com Orange Labs Nadjib ACHIR nadjib.achir@l2ti.univ-paris13.fr University of Paris 13, France Hossam AFIFI hossam.afifi@int-evry.fr INT Evry, France Nazim AGOULMINE nazim.agoulmine@iup.univ-evry.fr University of Evry, France Mosa ALI ABU-RGHEFF mosa@plymouth.ac.uk Plymouth University, UK Christian BETTSTETTER Christian.Bettstetter@uni-klu.ac.at University of Klagenfurt, Austria David BINET david.binet@orange-ftgroup.com France Telecom R&D, France Khaled BOUSSETTA Khaled.Boussetta@l2ti.univ-paris13.fr University of Paris 13, France Raouf BOUTABA rboutaba@uwaterloo.ca University of Waterloo, Canada Andrea CONTI a.conti@ieee.org University of Bologna, Italy Mischa DOHLER mischa.dohler@orange-ftgroup.com France Telecom R&D, France Bertrand DUCOURTHIAL Bertrand.Ducourthial@hds.utc.fr University of Technology of Compiegne, France Fethi FILALI Fethi.Filali@eurecom.fr Eurecom, France Mohamed Nazim GANNA mganna@neotilus.com Neotilus, France Yacine GHAMRI-DOUDANE ghamri@iie.cnam.fr IIE Evry, France Athanasios GKELIAS a.gkelias@imperial.ac.uk Imperial College, UK Rolf KRAEMER kraemer@ihp-microelectronics.com IHP microelectronics, Germany Marc LACOSTE marc.lacoste@orange-ftgroup.com France Telecom R&D, France Wasim Q. MALIK wasim.malik@eng.ox.ac.uk University of Oxford, UK Rahul MANGHARAM rahul@cmu.edu Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Hassnaa MOUSTAFA hassnaa.moustafa@orange-ftgroup.com France Telecom R&D, France Sooksan PANICHPAPIBOON kpsooksa@kmitl.ac.th King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Thailand Guy PUJOLLE guy.pujolle@lip6.fr University of Paris6, France Bernhard RINNER rinner@iti.tugraz.at University of Klagenfurt Athanasia TSERTOU atsertou@staffmail.ed.ac.uk University of Edinburgh, UK Jean-Pierre EBERT ebert@ihp-microelectronics.com IHP Microelectronics, Germany Djamel KHADRAOUI djamel.khadraoui@tudor.lu Centre Henri TUDOR, Luxembourg Zineb HABBAS zineb@univ-metz University of Metz, France Timo SUKUVAARA timo.sukuvaara@fmi.fi FMI - Finland Carlos GALVEZ carlos.galvez@uma.sp University of Malaga, Spain Salem OSMAN osman.salem@mi.parisdescartes.fr University Paris Descartes,France ===============================================================================
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participants (1)
Moungla Hassine