Fwd: [Tccc] CFP - IEEE INFOCOM 2011 - Satellite International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networks and IP-based TV (FMN-IPTV)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP - IEEE INFOCOM 2011 - Satellite International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networks and IP-based TV (FMN-IPTV) Datum: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 13:42:10 +0200 Von: ombonastre@ieee.org ombonastre@ieee.org An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
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International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networks and IP-based TV (FMN-IPTV) IEEE INFOCOM 2011 - Satellite Workshop April 10-15, 2011, Shanghai, China
Website - http://imde.cio.umh.es/FMN-IPTV-2011/
The International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networks and IP-based TV (FMN-IPTV) will be a half-day event focusing on the recent disruptions in the future media networks and how these will shape the IP-based television of the future. It is believed that holding it in conjunction with INFOCOM will provide the community with recent advances in IP video that will impact the media networks of the future. The workshop will address the Future Media Internet and IP-based TV, which will not only radically change the telecommunications and the entertainment industries, but they are also expected to stimulate and enhance creativity, professional productivity and community relations. In particular, the workshop intends to have ample time for discussion amongst participants on research topics of emerging trends in the area of seamless media delivery and how the networks, current and future, will support the converged multimedia.
The workshop encourages submissions to attract attendance from both academia and industry. Thus, the workshop seeks innovative technical papers that consolidate and present the leading-edge research prototype development, deployment and performance studies in the following areas:
- Content centric network architectures for scalable multimedia content delivery - Distributed caching in the network for multimedia content - Search and retrieval of multimedia objects over distributed networks - Scalable multimedia compression, transmission, concealment - Network coding and streaming - Encoding technologies for maintaining the integrity and optimise the quality of experience - Cross-layer dynamic adaptation and end-to-end QoS issues for heterogeneous networks - Reputation, trust and incentives in peer-to-peer streaming systems and sensor networks - Network design impacts of IP-based video convergence - Architectures for converged systems especially those targeting multi screens and combining mobility - Video convergence, Mobile TV, Mobile Social TV applications and interactivity - Video Content Distribution, Networks and P2P architectures for distributed services - User experience and user experience design - Innovative methods for evolving IP-based TV services (including algorithmic aspects of computer networking oriented to billing, pricing and advertising models, large-scale data management, etc.)
Additionally, the workshop plans to bring a distinguished invited speaker to present views on the convergence of future media networks and IP-based TV especially in emerging markets. The objective will be discussing evidences of issues regarding novel technologies dealing with industry cases in the workshop areas of interest.
FMN-IPTV is based on a half-day workshop format. Concretely, it will be one session for a keynote lecture and two sessions for technical papers. Papers are to be grouped in 2 themes: (i) Future Media Networks and (ii) IP-based TV. The keynote lecture should fit 1 hour segment, including time for interaction among keynote speaker and audience, and each theme should fit in 1½-hour segments respectively. Each paper will be presented for 15 minutes plus 5 minutes to receive live comments and questions from the audience.
- Regular Paper Abstract Submission: January 5, 2011 - Regular Paper Submission: January 10, 2011 - Notification of Regular Paper Acceptance: February 20, 2011 - Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 10, 2011 - FMN-IPTV Workshop: April 10, 2011
Submitted papers to FMN-IPTV 2011 must be unpublished and not currently under review for any other publication.
Paper submissions should follow the submission format and guidelines for regular INFOCOM papers. Please refer to the INFOCOM manuscript preparation page for details. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance and quality of presentation by an International Scientific Committee.
The proceedings will be published as part of the IEEE INFOCOM 2011 main conference proceedings and will be indexed by IEEE Xplore. All accepted papers must be presented at the workshop. Outstanding papers will be invited for publication (TBC) in a Special Issue of a major journal (indexed in SCI) relevant to the main topics promoted at this workshop. For this purpose, those selected papers should be an extended version of the original contribution presented at the workshop.
PROGRAM CHAIRS - Oscar M Bonastre – University Miguel Hernandez (UMH), Spain - Oscar Mayora – CREATE-NET International Research Center, Italy - Federico Alvarez – Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain
STEERING COMMITTEE - Jon Crowcroft – University of Cambridge, United Kingdom - Pablo Cesar – Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands - Oscar M Bonastre – University Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Theodore Zahariadis, Synelixis, Greece - Petros Daras - CERTH/ITI, Greece - Paul Moore - ATOS Origin, Spain
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE - Marie-Jose Montpetit – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA - Stefan Arbanowski – FOKUS' Media Interoperability Lab, Germany - Zhu Liu, AT&T Labs - Research, USA - Chang Wen Chen – State University of New York at Buffalo, USA - Khaled El-Maleh - Qualcomm Inc., USA - Pablo Cesar – Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands - Danny De Vleeschauwer – Alcatel, Network Strategy Group, Belgium - Nhut Nguyen – Samsung Telecommunications America, USA - Serge Fdida – LIP6, France - Fan Zhai – Video Technology Dept., Texas Instrumments, USA - Hassnaa Moustafa – France Telecom Research (Orange Labs), France - Rui Cruz – Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal - Jon Crowcroft – University of Cambridge, United Kingdom - Caifeng Shan – Philips Research, Netherlands - James She – University of Waterloo, Canada - Joaquin S Soriano – UMH, Operations Research Center, Spain - Thomas Stockhammer – Nomor Research, Germany - Dalibor Turina – Ericsson, Sweden - Meng Wang – Microsoft Research Asia - Albert Canigueral – Advanced Digital Broadcast, Switzerland - Mohamed Essaaidi – Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco - Shiguo Lian – France Telecom R&D Beijing, China (Publicity Chair) - Thomas Silverston – University of Tokyo, Japan - Andreas Mauthe – Lancaster University, United Kingdom - Shervin Shirmohammadi – University of Ottawa, Canada - Soohong Daniel Park – Samsung Electronics R&D, Korea - Cristian Hesselman – Novay, Netherlands - Tham Jo Yew – Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore - Andres Pedrera – RTVE, Spain - Doug Williams – British Telecom, UK - Dirk Trossen – Cambridge University, UK - Ebroul Izquierdo – Queen Mary University of London, UK - Giovanni Pau – UCLA, USA - Gonzalo Camarillo – Ericsson, Finland - Guillermo Cisneros – UPM, Spain - Hyowon Lee - Dublin City University, UK - Luigi Atzori – University of Cagliari, Italy - Maria Martini – Kingstone University, UK - Moacyr Martucci – PUSP, Brazil
For all questions regarding this workshop, please contact the workshop organizers
- Oscar M Bonastre, PhD University Miguel Hernandez (UMH) Operations Research Centre, Spain Email: ombonastre@ieee.org
- Oscar Mayora, PhD CREATE-NET International Research Center, Italy Email: oscar.mayora@ate-net.org
- Federico Álvarez, PhD Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain Email: Email: fag@gatv.ssr.upm.es
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Lars Wolf