IWSOS 2008 - Paper Submission DEADLINE EXTENDED

Due to multiple requests, the submission deadline for IWSOS 2008 has been ** EXTENDED ** to July 10, 2008. (Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of the announcement.)
*************** CALL FOR PAPERS -- DEADLINE EXTENDED ***************
IWSOS 2008
3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems - Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems -
December 10-12, 2008 Vienna, Austria
Submission deadline (full papers): ** EXTENDED ** July 10, 2008
Workshop Scope --------------
IWSOS 2008 is the third workshop in a series of annual workshops dedicated to self-organization in networks and networked systems. The necessity for and expected benefit of self-organization is caused by the growing scale, complexity, and heterogeneity of future networked systems, like the future Internet. For example, these networks will consist of interconnected infrastructure-based, mobile ad-hoc, and sensor networks that could be spontaneously deployed in hostile environments, have a dynamic population and a potentially short life time. In spite of this, there will be stringent user requirements, such as resilience and real-time guarantees. Although self-organization is desirable for these kinds of networks, it is not yet clear to what extent self-organization can be exploited.
Research into networked systems has recently started to systematically investigate self-organization, which has lead to a multitude of open research issues. The applicability of well-known self-organizing techniques to specific networks and networked systems has to be investigated, as well as adaptations and novel approaches inspired by, e.g., cooperation in nature and evolutionary dynamics, sociology, and game theory. Additionally, models originating from areas like feedback control and complex system's research, are required for these networked systems in order to analyze their controllability and emergent behavior. Aspects of engineering self-organizing networked systems should be studied that discuss paradigms like programmable networks, and tools and frameworks for deploying, testing, and monitoring self-organizing networks. The role of self-organization in the future Internet and the impact on its architecture is an important topic, as well as the application of self-organization in future intelligent transportation systems and vehicular ad-hoc networks.
Building on the success of its predecessors, this workshop aims at bringing together leading international researchers to create a visionary forum for investigating the potential of self-organization for networked systems by including the following key topics (not a restricted list):
* Self-organization and self-management * Self-configuration and self-optimization * Self-protection, -diagnosis, and -healing * Autonomic networking principles and practice * Control theory based models and approaches of self-organization * Feedback control in networked systems * Group-forming networks and techniques * Programmable and cognitive networks for self-organization * Visualization of network system state * Inspiring models of self-organization in nature and society (e.g., bio-inspired or based on game theory) * Risks in self-organization and risk management techniques * The (un-)controllability of self-organizing emergent systems * Quality of Service / service level agreements and self-organization * Resilience, robustness, and fault tolerance for networked systems * Security in self-organizing networked systems * Self-* sensor and ad-hoc networks * Self-* techniques in peer-to-peer networks * Self-organization of over- and underlays and in cross-layering * Self-* networks and networked systems for ubiquitous computing * Self-organization in heterogeneous network convergence * Evolutionary principles of the (future, emerging) Internet * Self-configuring place-and-play mobile networks * Self-organizing vehicular ad-hoc networks * Self-organizing multi-service networks and multi-network services * Methods for configuration and management of large, complex networks * Applications, e.g. the self-organizing home network * The human in the loop of self-organizing networked systems
Important Dates ---------------
* Paper submission deadline (full papers): ext. to July 10, 2008 * Notification of acceptance (full papers): September 1, 2008
Initial Submission (full papers) --------------------------------
IWSOS invites submission of manuscripts that present original research results, and that have not been previously published or are currently under review by another conference or journal. Any previous or simultaneous publication of related material should be explicitly noted in the submission. Submissions should be full-length papers up to 12 pages using the LNCS style, including all figures and references, and must include an abstract of 100 - 150 words. All papers must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the international TPC and judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness.
Accepted Full Papers --------------------
The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes for Computer Science (LNCS) series. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must attend IWSOS 2008 to present the paper.
Steering Committee ------------------
* Hermann de Meer, University of Passau, Germany * David Hutchison, Lancaster University, UK * Bernhard Plattner, ETH Zurich, Switzerland * James Sterbenz, University of Kansas, USA * Randy Katz, UC Berkeley, USA
General Chair -------------
* Helmut Hlavacs, University of Vienna, Austria
Technical Program Co-Chairs ---------------------------
* Karin Anna Hummel, University of Vienna, Austria * James Sterbenz, University of Kansas, USA
Technical Program Committee ---------------------------
* Marin Bertier, IRISA/INSA-Rennes, France * Christian Bettstetter, University of Klagenfurt, Austria * Ernst Biersack, Institute Eurecom, France * Georg Carle, University of Tuebingen, Germany * Tarik Cicic, University of Oslo, Norway * Alexander Clemm, Cisco Systems, USA * Costas Courcoubetis, AUEB, Greece * Simon Dobson, University College Dublin, Ireland * Stefan Fischer, University of Luebeck, Germany * Frank Fitzek, Univ. of Aalborg, Denmark * Michael Fry, University of Sydney, Australia * David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA * Indranil Gupta, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA * Hannes Hartenstein, University of Karlsruhe, Germany * Manfred Hauswirth, National University of Ireland, Ireland * Joseph L. Hellerstein, Microsoft Developer Division, USA * Matthias Hollick, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany * Amine Houyou, University of Passau, Germany * Wolfgang Kellerer, DoCoMo Lab Europe, Germany * Alexander V. Konstantinou, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA * Rajesh Krishnan, Scientific Systems Company, USA * Guy Leduc, University of Liege, Belgium * Baochun Li, University of Toronto, Canada * Marco Mamei, University di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy * Andreas Mauthe, Lancaster University, UK * Paul Mueller, Kaiserslautern University, Germany * Masayuki Murata, Osaka University, Japan * Ben Paechter, Napier University, UK * Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA * Christian Prehofer, Nokia Research, Finland * Lukas Ruf, Consecom AG, Switzerland * Mikhail Smirnov, Fraunhofer Fokus, Germany * Paul Smith, Lancaster University, UK * Marcus Schoeller, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany * Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, ETH Zurich, Switzerland * Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland * John Strassner, Motorola Labs, USA * Zhili Sun, University of Surrey, UK * Kurt Tutschku, Wuerzburg University, Germany * Patrick Wuechner, University of Passau, Germany * Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
Local Organizing Committee ---------------------------
* Shelley Buchinger, University of Vienna, Austria * Alexander Adrowitzer, University of Vienna, Austria * Harald Meyer, University of Vienna, Austria
participants (1)
Harald Meyer