[Fwd: Call for Papers: TRIDENTCOM 2007]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for Papers: TRIDENTCOM 2007 Datum: Tue, 30 May 2006 13:15:55 +0200 Von: Frank Steuer frank.steuer@dai-labor.de An: multicomm@comsoc.org CC: Frank Steuer frank.steuer@dai-labor.de
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************ T R I D E N T C O M 2 0 0 7 ************
Third International IEEE/Create-Net Conference on Test beds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities
February 5-8, 2006, Orlando, Florida USA
************ IMPORTANT DEADLINES ******************** ------------------------------------------------------
Paper Submission Due: August 31, 2006
Demo Proposals Due: September 30, 2006
Notification: October 31, 2006
Final manuscript Due: November 30, 2006
SCOPE ------------------------------------------------------
Telecommunication infrastructures play a vital role in modern society. Advances in the range of network service offerings, performance, quality of service, security, and ubiquity continue to flourish, despite global economy fluctuations. Access to experimental infrastructures for real-life applications by specific user communities benefits all of the stakeholders involved: the end users, because of the first-hand evaluation of the provided services, the researchers and infrastructure experimenters, because of the knowledge gained from hands-on study and analysis, and the service providers, because of the business exploitation of the network. The goal of TridentCom is to create a forum where telecommunication networks researchers, vendors, providers and users can exchange ideas on past experience, requirements, needs, and visions for future establishment of such infrastructures. It showcases experimental activities, such as testing, verification, integration, measurement, and deployment, which are pivotal to achieving next generation communications.
PAPER SUBMISSION ------------------------------------------------------ Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality papers as well as demonstration proposals reporting on all aspects of test bed and research infrastructure operation and management, including, but not limited to:
* Next Generation Internet Test beds * Next Generation Wireless Network Test beds * Next Generation Optical Network Test beds * Ubiquitous Network Test beds * Wireless Sensor Test beds * Test bed Operation & Management for User Communities * Test bed Operation & Management for Research Communities * Test bed Cooperation & Integration * Innovative Measurements Methodologies & Tools * Traffic Measurements Test beds * Software Tools to Support Distributed Test beds / Virtual Laboratories * Management of Massive Databases of Experimental Data * Knowledge & Technology Transfer Procedures * Security (AAA) Testing on Open Test beds * Social Impacts of Infrastructures * Infrastructures for Real-Life Applications * Business Models for Infrastructure Budgeting & Planning * Infrastructure Renting & Pricing Policies * Vendors & Providers Partnerships
Submit full papers of up to 10 pages, including references, figures and tables, and formatted according to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" proceedings format.
Detailed submission instructions are available at www.tridentcom.org.
DEMONSTRATIONS ------------------------------------------------------ Demo proposals should consist of the following: - title and description of the demo, - picture of demo setup and/or screenshots of demo GUIs - infrastructure requirements, and - biographical sketch of the presenter(s).
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------------------ General Chair Janise McNair, University of Florida
Technical Program Co-Chairs Thomas Woo, Bell-Labs Tereza Carvalho, Universidade de Sao Paulo, BR Miguel Lagunas, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Panel Co-Chairs Diego Bartolome, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya Wenye Wang, North Carolina State University
Demo Co-Chairs Miguel Ponce de Leon, TSSG, Waterford Inst. Technology, Ireland Raheem Beyah, Georgia State University
Publicity Co-Chairs: Frank Steuer, Technical University of Berlin, Germany Nirmala Shenoy, Rochester Institute of Technology
Web Chair: Sungrae Cho, Georgia Southern University
Local Arrangements Chair Damla Turgut, University of Central Florida
STEERING COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------------------ Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, University of Trento, Italy Csaba Szabo (Co-chair), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
participants (1)
Lars Wolf