[Fwd: [Tccc] Comsware 2006 Workshops: Call for Papers]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] Comsware 2006 Workshops: Call for Papers Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 12:00:26 -0700 From: Ashwin Gumaste ashwin@ashwin.name Reply-To: ashwin@ashwin.name To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
IEEE Comsware 2006 Workshops: First International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (Comsware)
We are glad to announce Call for Papers for Workshops in IEEE/Create-net Comsware 2006.
* We apologize for multiple copies of this message in circulation
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: Oct 01 Notification of Acceptance: Nov. 01 Camera ready and registration: Dec 01.
Workshop # 1: Software for Wireless Communications and Applications (SOFTWIM): Website: www.softwim.org http://www.softwim.org/
General Chairs: Arup Acharya (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) and Shrikant Naidu (Motorola India Research laboratory)
Date: January 12th 2006
Brief Introduction: This workshop discusses role of software in wireless communications and networking.
Workshop # 2: Workshop on Wireless Personal and Local Area Networks (WILLOPAN): Website: www.willopan.org http://www.willopan.org/
General Chairs: Sai Shankar N (Qualcomm Inc. USA) and Sunghyun Choi (Seoul National University, Korea)
Date: January 8th 2006
Brief Introduction: Thie workshop discusses performance and QoS issues of wireless local area networks and personal area networks.
Workshop # 3: Software for Sensor Networks. Website (SENSORWARE): www.sensorware.org http://www.sensorware.org/
General Chairs: Nirmala Shenoy (Rochester Inst. Of Tech.) and Boon Sain Yoo (Institute of Telecom Research, Singapore)
Date: 8th January 2006
Brief Introduction: This workshop discusses role of software technologies in implementation and optimization of sensors in wireless networks.
Workshop # 4: Utility Grids (UTILITYGRIDS). Website: www.utilitygrids.org http://www.utilitygrids.org/
General Chairs: Dheeraj Bharadwaj (IIT Delhi) and Vikul Khosla (Gridsolv software)
Date: 8th January 2006
Brief Introduction: This workshop discusses role of software and utility computing in next generation grids.
Workshop # 5: Emerging Services delivery platforms and software models for Next Generation Network Services (SOFTPLATFORMS). Website: www.softplatforms.org http://www.softplatforms.org/
General Chairs: Craig Fellenstein (IBM) and Joshy Joseph (Microsoft Inc)
Date: 8th January 2006
Brief Introduction: This workshop discusses emerging service delivery platforms using software models.
Workshop # 6: Comsware Business Track (COMSBIZ). Website: www.comsbiz.org http://www.comsbiz.org/
General Chairs: Gene Landy (Ruperto, Israel and Wiener P.C) and Rajeev Shorey (IBM Research India).
Date: January 9th 2006
Brief Introduction: Focuses on global and domestic opportunities and challenges for hardware, software and service companies based in or operating in India.
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Lars Wolf