Fwd: IEEE CoCoNet Workshop 5 / ICC -
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE CoCoNet Workshop 5 / ICC - please inform your colleagues Datum: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 14:50:53 +0100 Von: Frank Fitzek ff@es.aau.dk An: Frank Fitzek ff@es.aau.dk
Dear colleagues and friends,
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
**************************************************************************** CFP: IEEE CoCoNet Workshop 2013 **************************************************************************** IEEE CoCoNet Workshop 2013 Cooperative and Cognitive Mobile Networks (CoCoNet 5)
if you want updates we created a Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/groups/234851663311923/ feel free to join
collocated with IEEE ICC 2013 in Budapest, Hungary
9th June 2013, Technical sponsorship: IEEE Communications Society in collaboration with GreeNet, Colorcast, and Green Mobile Clouds.
Abstract registration Jan 04, 2013 Submission Deadline Jan 11, 2013
Scope of the Workshop: The scope of the CoCoNet4 workshop is to bring together a highly qualified group of people with interest in cooperative and cognitive wireless networks. Cooperation is becoming a major subject in research in the wireless communication community as it has been identified as one of the underlying principles for future wireless communication systems. Cooperation, altruistic or non-altruistic, is the basis to break up the cellular concept and enrich it by multi hop, peer-to-peer, or grid functionalities. The workshop will highlight the newest trends in this emerging area, complementing it with first practical implementationsand demonstrations in this field. New technologies and concepts such as network coding and mobile clouds are the driving forces for cooperative and cognitive networks. Besides the technical insights, the workshop will encourage the participants to discuss among each other. The workshop is seeking papers for oral presentations and papers which will be presented in poster sessions possibly accompanied with demonstrations or test-beds.
Keynote Speech: We are pleased to announce that Professor Gerhard Fettweis from TU Dresden, Germany will give the keynote at the CoCoNet 5 workshop.
Topics of interest are (but not limited to):
- Architectures of Cooperative Mobile Networks (CMN)
- Cooperative Services
- Novel Cooperative Services and Applications
- Cooperative Service Discovery
- Network Coding
- Self Organizing Peer to Peer Networks
- Cognitive Principles
- Green Mobile Communications
- Context-aware Cloud Management
- Business Models for Cooperative Networking
- Spectrum management policy and strategy for cognitive networks
- Social Mobile Networks
- Software Defined Radio
- Peer-to-Peer Technologies
- Cross-layer optimization
- Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks;
- Mobile Cooperative Applications
- Sensor Networks
- Wireless Grids
- Mobile Clouds
- Practical implementations, test-beds and demonstrations.
Submission Guidelines: IEEE CoCoNet Workshop accepts only novel, previously unpublished papers in the area of Cognitive and Cooperative Wireless Networks. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a 5-page IEEE conference style paper (including all text, figures, and references) through EDAS submission system (http://www.edas.info ). (If you have any problems during submission, please contact: ff@es.aau.dk). Acceptedpapers must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors. The presenter must register for the workshop before the deadline given for authorregistration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the workshop proceedings and the program. Furthermore we encourage to submit full paper description of potential demonstration in the area of CoCoNet to be presented at the event. Those papers will be presented together with the demonstrator itself in a poster session. All papers (oral session and demonstrations) selected for publication will be published together with IEEE ICC 2013 proceedings and available on IEEE Xplore database.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf