[Fwd: [InternetTC] Special Session on "Multimedia Communications over Wireless LANs" in MobiMedia 2009]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] Special Session on "Multimedia Communications over Wireless LANs" in MobiMedia 2009 Datum: Wed, 13 May 2009 18:33:29 +0300 Von: Periklis Chatzimisios peris@it.teithe.gr Antwort an: pchatzimisios@ieee.org Organisation: TEI of Thessaloniki An: csim@comsoc.org, itc@comsoc.org
C A L L F O R P A P E R S =============================
Special Session on "Multimedia Communications over Wireless LANs"
organized in conjunction with
The 5th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (MobiMedia 2009)
7-9 September 2009, London, UK
Important Dates: ================ Full Paper submission due: May 31, 2009 Notification of acceptance by: July 1, 2009 Camera ready paper due: July 23, 2009
Scope: ====== Recently we have experienced a growing interest in the convergence between wireless networks and multimedia applications. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) have become more widespread and are evolving to accommodate a variety of services and traffic types, including data transfer, voice and video, while providing anytime, anywhere and always access to users. Nevertheless, the more stringent requirements of real-time multimedia applications, combined with the unreliability of the wireless medium make the multimedia delivery and Quality of Service (QoS) support over WLANs very challenging.
This special session offers the opportunity to leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics around the world to meet, present their work and discuss the most recent advances in multimedia systems, services and applications over WLANs.
Topics: =================== Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: -Modeling, performance evaluation, simulation and optimization techniques -Quality of Service issues and resource allocation in WLANs -Medium access and flow/error/congestion control for WLANs -Emerging and visionary multimedia applications for WLANs -Cross-layer design, techniques and approaches for multimedia communications over WLANs -VoWLAN network architecture and deployment, coexistence with other WLAN applications -Energy-efficient WLANs and power consumption issues -Multimedia traffic charging and accounting techniques -Emerging Standards and Technologies for Wireless Multimedia Communications
Paper submission: ================= All submitted manuscripts should describe original, previously unpublished work or not currently under review by another conference or journal. Submissions should be full-length papers of up to 7 pages (including all figures and references) formatted according to ACM publication template. Submissions will be subject to a rigorous peer-review and will be judged by their originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness.
Papers will be submitted electronically through the ASSYST system. Accepted papers will be published in Springer LNICST (Lecture Notes of ICST) and will be made available online in the ACM Digital Library.
Special Session organizers: =========================== Periklis Chatzimisios, TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece Christos Verikoukis, CTTC, Spain
participants (1)
Lars Wolf