2nd IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Mobile-Based Software and Networking Applications (EMOBS 2009)
================================================================================ THEME OF THE WORKSHOP
The wide deployment of wireless networks and mobile technologies and significant increase of the number of mobile device users have created a very strong demand on various wireless-based mobile-based software application systems and enabling technologies. This provides many new business opportunities and challenges to wireless and networking service providers, mobile technology vendors, content providers and solution integrators. Living in a wireless world changes and enhances people’s life in many areas, such as mobile communications, wireless information sharing and learning, m-commerce, home environment, and entertainment. Today, business organizations and government agencies face with new pressure for technology update in network infrastructures and enterprise solutions to support wireless connectivity and mobility. To meet the increasing demand on various reliable wireless-based software application systems, business people are looking for innovative ideas to create diverse mobile-commerce applications and service systems, and engineers are looking for cost-effective engineering methods and efficient solutions to build high-quality wireless-based software and application systems.
Meanwhile, evolution in new network architecture and protocols is likely to have major impact on mobile networks, and developments in peer-to-peer overlay and ad-hoc networks will raise different challenging research issues in mobile networking applications. Therefore, today studying and solving technical issues in engineering wireless-based software, services, networking architecture, and application systems is becoming a hot research subject for academic researchers and the industry community. The major theme of this workshop is to embrace new networking architectures in engineering high quality mobile-based software and application systems to support end users anywhere at anytime.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Engineering topics:
+ System requirements engineering issues and methods for mobile-based system requirements analysis + Wireless-based system infrastructures, architectures, and service-oriented architectures + Design modeling, design patterns, and design issues and solutions in wireless-based systems + Mobile data transaction models, retrieval solutions, and caching and migration techniques + Analysis, design, and testing for system mobility, interoperability, performance, scalability ad reliability + Wireless system and application security, and mobile user privacy + Mobile client design for mobile user experience, personalization, customization, and interoperation + Testing methods, test models, coverage criteria, and tools + Performance validation techniques and metrics, evaluation models and processes, measurement tools and environments
Enable software technology and solution topics:
+ Mobile database technologies and mobile data transaction services + Semantic web for Mobile Commerce + Location detection and discovery mid-ware and technologies + Wireless multimedia technologies, platforms, and solutions for wireless applications + Mobile platforms for client applications on mobile devices (J2ME, Symbian, etc.) + Middleware and agent technologies for mobile commerce and wireless service systems + Mobile service frameworks, mobile agent technologies and solutions
Networking architecture, applications, services, and experience topics:
+ Peer-to-peer overlay networking systems + Mobile ad-hoc networking systems + Ubiquitous and pervasive computing systems + Novel m-commerce applications and services + Mobile portals and mobile search engines + Enterprise-based mobile applications and systems + Wireless advertising applications, services, and systems + Location and context-aware mobile commerce applications and services + Service platforms for mobile commerce (mobile web enterprise) + RFID enabled application systems + 2D Barcode based mobile application systems + Mobile payment protocols, service systems, and platforms + Case-study, lesson learned and experience reporting
================================================================================ PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Yan Bai University of Washington, USA (Email: yanb@u.washington.edu) Matthias Book, University Leipzig, Germany, ( book@ebus.informatik.uni-leipzig.de) Donggang Cao Peking University, China, (caodg@pku.edu.cn) Narciso Cerpa, University of Talca, Chile, (jtaer@utalca.cl) Mei Hsing, Fu Jen Catholic University, Republic of China (Email: mei@csie.fju.edu.tw) Gu-Min Jeong, Kookmin University, Korea (gm1004@kookmin.ac.kr) Axel Küpper, Germany (axel.kuepper@ifi.lmu.de) Keung Hae Lee Korea Aerospace University, Korea, (khlee@kau.ac.kr) Katina Michael, University of Wollongong, Australia (Email: katina@uow.edu.au) George Roussos, Bikbeck College, UK (g.roussos@bbk.ac.uk) Timothy K. Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan (tshih@cs.tku.edu.tw) Junho Shim, Sookmyung Women’s University, Rep. of Korea ( jshim@sookmyung.ac.kr) Ron Vetter, UNC Wilmington, (Email: vetterr@uncw.edu) Michael Wallbaum, Aschen University of Technology, Germany, (Email: wallbaum@i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de) Qianxiang Wang, Peking University, China (wqx@pku.edu.cn) Yong IK Yoon, SookMyung Women's University (yiyoon@sookmyung.ac.kr) Weider Yu, San Jose State University, USA (Email: Weider.Yu@sjsu.edu) Yongfei Zhang Beihang University, China (Email: zyfflying@gmail.com)
================================================================================ IMPORTANT DATES
March 15, 2009 Workshop paper submission due April 10, 2009 Workshop paper notification (electronic) April 30, 2009 All final manuscript and author pre-registration due
================================================================================ SUBMISSION
Original papers not being submitted to journals or other conferences will be considered. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee according to its originality, significance, correctness, presentation, and relevance. We encourage authors to present novel ideas, critique of existing work, and practical studies and experiments.
Both draft and camera-ready papers must be submitted electronically via the EMOBS2009 Submission Page. Manuscripts will be limited to six pages, following IEEE conference proceedings style and guidelines. The format of submitted papers must follow the IEEE conference proceedings guidelines (i.e., 8.5" x 11", Two-Column Format (PDF: instruct.pdf; DOC: instruct.doc); Layout Guide (PDF: format.pdf; DOC: format.doc; all under ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/). Page counting includes all figures, tables, and references.
All accepted papers will be published in the electronic workshop proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, indexed through INSPEC and EI Index (Elsevier's Engineering Information Index), and automatically included in the IEEE Digital Library. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a full participant of the workshop for the paper to be publisheded in the proceedings. Each accepted paper must be presented in person by an author. The selected papers will be recommended to the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (http://www.jtaer.com/).
================================================================================ WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS
Steering Committee: (in alphabetical order)
Jerry Gao San Jose State University Volker Gruhn University Leipzig, Germany Keung Hae Lee Korea Aerospace University, Korea Jingsha He Beijing University of Technology Xiao Su San Jose State University
Jerry Gao San Jose State University Email: jerrygao@email.sjsu.edu
Volker Gruhn University Leipzig, Germany Email: gruhn@ebus.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Program Chair
Xiao Su San Jose State University Email: xsu@email.sjsu.edu _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Xiao Su