Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: IEEE CCNC 2011 Workshops - IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: IEEE CCNC 2011 Workshops - IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference Datum: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:49:48 +0100 Von: Dr Mario Kolberg mko@cs.stir.ac.uk An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu CC: David Llewellyn-Jones D.Llewellyn-Jones@ljmu.ac.uk
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- IEEE CCNC 2011 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
Call for Workshop Papers
Submission Deadline: August 24, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA January 9 - 12, 2011 http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Call for Papers
IEEE CCNC 2011 - Workshops
January 9 - 12, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/
IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, is a major annual international conference organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer communications and networking.
IEEE CCNC was organized specifically to help the consumer electronics industry drive the advance of the numerous wireless and wireline communications technologies that will one day provide on-demand access to both entertainment and information anytime, anywhere, regardless of time or location. This includes a detailed analysis of nearly every technological area ranging from cognitive and peer-to-peer networking to
the designer services and tools used to ensure ease-of-use, security and
stunning interactivity.
This year we are pleased to have ten satellite workshops, which will provide an ideal forum for discussion of research and development within
particular areas of consumer communications. It also provides the opportunity for the presentation of focussed or ongoing research issues and late breaking results.
Please visit the workshop pages for more information and details about individual topic areas.
http://cms.comsoc.org/eprise/main/SiteGen/CCNC_2011/Content/Home/WORKSHO PS.html
- 5th IEEE Workshop on Personalized Networks (PerNets 2011)
- 7th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on
Consumer Communications (DRM 2011)
- 3rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicular Communications System Workshop (IVCS'11)
- 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Social TV: the Next Wave
- IEEE CCNC'2011 Workshop on Social Networking (SocNets)
- 1st International Workshop on Semantics to Enable Convergence for Consumer Communications and Applications (SECCCA 2011)
- 1st IEEE International Workshop on Consumer eHealth Platforms, Services and Applications (CeHPSA)
- 1st International Workshop on Emerging Densely Connected Networks (EDCN)
- 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Digital Entertainment, Networked Virtual Environments, and Creative Technology (DENVECT 2011)
- 2nd Research Students Workshop
Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. The paper should be used as the basis for a 20 - 30 minute workshop presentation.
Manuscripts should be written in English conforming to the IEEE standard
conference format (8.5" x 11", Two-Column) and not exceed 5 pages in length. Submission of papers should be regarded as a commitment such that, if accepted, at least one author of the paper will register and attend the conference; otherwise it will be removed from the IEEE Digital Library after the conference.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format via the EDAS paper submission website by going to http://edas.info/N8656 and then selecting the appropriate workshop submission link.
Paper Submission: August 24, 2010 Author Notification: September 15, 2010 Camera-Ready Copy: October 1, 2010 Workshop Date: January 9, 2011
Please feel free to contact me or the individual workshop chairs for more information.
David Llewellyn-Jones D.Llewellyn-Jones@ljmu.ac.uk Workshops Chair http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf