[Tccc] CFP: 15th Eunice International Workshop, "The Internet of the Future"

------------------------------------------------------------ CALL-FOR-PAPERS ------------------------------------------------------------- 15th Eunice International Workshop "The Internet of the Future" September 7 - 9, 2009, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain http://nets.upf.edu/eunice09 -------------------------------------------------------------
Ten years ago, the 5th edition of the Eunice workshop took place in Barcelona with the motto "Broadband for all". This year, with the broadband promise already fulfilled in the city, the international workshop comes back to Barcelona in its 15th edition focused on "The Internet of the future".
The Internet is shaping the twenty-first century information society. It has deeply transformed the way we learn, work and interact. All kinds of institutions, from universities to businesses, have been shaken by the wave of digital innovation. Leisure and social networks also have their place in the virtual world, and the younger generations cannot imagine a time when they could not be in permanent contact with friends around the globe, interchanging messages and multimedia content. The challenge of classifying, ranking and interpreting the massive amounts of information that are being generated is breathtaking. Furthermore, the Internet is moving beyond the computer to reach the mobile phones, smart gadgets and sensor networks. The pervasiveness of the Internet had fundamentally changed existing business models, and the business models themselves are driving the evolution of the Internet. In this scenario of relentless change, our aim is to foresee and design the networks and applications of the future.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Future Internet Architectures and Mobility: - Evolution of current IP-based architectures - Disruptive proposals for Internet upcoming architectures - Next Generation Networks Security and Management - IP Mobility issues
Web-based applications and contents: - New applications and services for social communities - Search and mining advances in the future Internet - Network vs. contents: neutrality issues - Location-based services
Multimedia Services: - Massive multimedia and video content deployment - Image and video processing - Networked video gaming - Skinning user interfaces
Traffic Engineering for Internet: - Performance evaluation - Traffic measurements and modeling - Network Modeling and Simulation - Testbeds and Experimental Research.
Pervasive Wireless Networks and Protocols - QoS and radio resource management. - MIMO and smart antennas. - Novel MAC and routing protocols for cognitive, adaptive and reconfigurable networks. - Cross-Layer design.
Fixed and Optical Networks: - Optical end-to-end transport - New Switching and routing paradigms - Self-configuring optical networks - Next Generation Access networks
Future Internet Regulatory and business issues: - Business models for web 2.0 technologies - Impact of Internet upon society and SMEs - Network Neutrality - NGA: the future of regulation
Venue: The international workshop will take place in the burgeoning 22@ innovation district in Barcelona. Its centric location, combined with the high density of universities, research institutes and technology-oriented companies, makes this the ideal spot for the event. The neighborhood has nice promenades and beaches to relax after technical sessions and it is also one of the main clubbing areas in the city.
Address: Roc Boronat 138. 08018 Barcelona.
Papers accepted for oral presentation will be included in the workshop proceedings to be published in the LNCS series. The recommended length is 8 pages and papers longer than 10 pages will not be considered for review. Camera ready versions must comply with the LNCS Authors Instructions that can be found at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Chairs: Miquel Oliver (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Sebastia Sallent (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
TPC Members
* Finn Arve Aagesen, U. of Trondheim, Norway * Sebastian Abeck, U. Karlsruhe, Germany * Arturo Azcorra, U. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain (Pending confirmation) * Rolv Braek, U. of Trondheim, Norway * Carlos Delgado Kloos, U. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain (Pending confirmation) * Joerg Eberspaecher, Technical U. of Munich, Germany * Olivier Festor, INRIA Nancy, France * Maurice Gagnaire, TELECOM ParisTech, France (Pending Confirmation) * Annie Gravey, TELECOM Bretagne, France * Sebastian Gunreben, IKR, Germany * Edit Halasz, Budapest U. of Technology and Economics, Hungary * Jarmo Harju, Tampere U. of Technology, Finland (Pending Confirmation) * Tamas Henk, Budapest U. of Technology and Economics, Hungary (Pending Confirmation) * Yvon Kermarrec, TELECOM Bretagne, France * Andreas Kirdstaedter, IKR, Germany * Paul Kuehn, IKR, Germany * Xavier Lagrange, TELECOM Bretagne, France * David Larrabeiti-Lopez, U. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain * Ralf Lehnert, TU Dresden, Germany * Maryline Maknavicius-Laurent, TELECOM SudParis, France (Pending Confirmation) * Maurizio Munafo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy * Elie Najm, TELECOM ParisTech, France (Pending Confirmation) * Aiko Pras, U. Twente, The Nederlands * David Ros, TELECOM Bretagne, France * Gwendal Simon, TELECOM Bretagne, France (Pending Confirmation) * Marten van Sinderen, U. Twente, the Netherlands * Burkhard Stiller, U. of Zurich, Switzerland * Robert Szabo, Budapest U. of Technology and Economics, Hungary (Pending Confirmation) * Samir Tohme, U. de Versailles St Quentin, France (Pending Confirmation)
participants (1)
Jaume Barcelo